Thursday, 22 March 2018

Camino Portuguese (March 22, 2018) - New Day 10 Redondela to Pontevedra

Another quiet day in brilliant sunshine! It feels so good to be walking without rain believe me. Tomorrow some rain in the forecast however getting close...3 days to go and approximately 65 kms.

Today we walked 21 kms over 4.75 hours so a little too fast. The last four days have had some quite significant elevation gains and losses so while a nice change going up and down can be tough...especially going down!

We did not meet Emile, Steffan or Allan today...however we are meeting more and more pilgrims. Interestingly to date we have not met a Portuguese pilgrim and one sole Spaniard pilgrim...surprising.
Last night Paulo went out to get empanadas and a beer for supper. I wasn’t up to putting the boots on again and we have a table in our comfortable apartment suite. No pictures :)

Great breakfast at local panaderia
A nice moment occurred when walking on a busy road when a car suddenly stopped beside us... rolled down the window and the gentleman handed a card to Paulo. It was simply a Bom Caminho with no advertising of any kind.

Card from motorist

At 8 km we had a real nice stop at a local cafe where we had something to drink, bought a chocolate bar and were given free of charge a delicious bowl of vegetable soup and bread. In Spain if you buy something to drink you always get some food for free.

Rest stop break at 8 soup!
Paulo was telling me that his father, a lawyer who started the family practice where Paulo is a partner, likes to place small bets (bottle of Johnny Walker whiskey) with a particular client and Paulo. It seems he decides what he hopes will happen and then bets against this outcome.

So in 2014 he bet that Paulo would not finish the Way of St. James Camino and this time he has bet I won’t finish it. Sure hope I don’t let Paulo down!

At some point today after a tough descent we came across a lady who had set up an enterprising little stand selling various Camino souvenirs for 1 euro.

Souvenir stand

Someone special has her name on a Camino souvenir
So really that is it for the day...some pictures

A little chilly this morning...frost on the windshield

Nicholas coming over the Roman bridge

Inside a little chapel where we obtained a Credential stamp

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