Daily Information
Distance: 33.4 Kms [388.1 Kms]
Walking time: 6h 32m [71h 54m]
Doddling time: 42m [8h 17m]
% Doddling time: 9.6% [10.3%]
Avg walking speed: 5.1 Kms/hr [5.4 Kms/hr]
Elevation G/L meters: 129(153) [1,178:(1,239)]
Total Daily Steps: 49,050 [597,909]
% of Walking Days Complete (24): 54.2%
% of Total Kms (estimate 703): 55.2%
% of Shuttle Rides (estimate 17): 70.6%
% Come on get a Wiggle on Days (>40 km): 57.1%
The main comment about stats today is that I thought I had a 25 km day and it was 33.4 kms. Holy that takes some mental adjustment while walking 🥹
Got going at 6:30 am today after breakfast…see below. Man was it cool at 6C feels like 0C with wind 48 kms per hour…every layer on! Yesterday 29C!!!
Continental Breakfast |
Overall the day was split in two parts Part 1 Cavendish to North Rustico 15kms which was glorious walking and then to Brackley Beach 18kms which was ok. It was again a quiet day with minor social interactions and one terrifying experience…more later.
First a morning scare looking at the 14 day forecast…I finish June 9th. LOOK at June 5 - 8…appr 100 mm in rain. Visions of the Camino Portuguese start where we had > 200 mm of rain first 3 days.
Upon arriving at my accommodation I took another peek…incredible change! Let’s hope the new forecast is right!
Once again Rachael my Packa mentor from New Zealand came to the rescue with a detailed analysis and perfect solution. I did think she may have stressed my overall ineptitude a little bit too much however I understand 😊 😂
Solution…apply duct tape I have with rounded corners to prevent peeling to the inside of the Packa! This way the image I am trying desperately to maintain is protected from a patch seen by passersby.
The repair job is complete…note there were two small tears.
I have a crazy urge to add a nose and mouth! |
Spotify playlist had two favourites early Eye in the Sky by Alan Parsons Project and Albany by Roger Whittaker. Yes I enjoy Roger Whittaker! While I don’t understand a word of Albany as it’s in German…I have always enjoyed listening to it!
The walk to North Rustico can only be described through pictures…super nice walking trails…ocean waves crashing on the shore…I basically slowed to a crawl. I took a small video…15 seconds or so…to also provide perspective. Absolutely incredible walking…would do that again in a heartbeat!
It happened just past this barricade right by a small cliff leading to the ocean…
The wind was howling madly…I had taken my gloves off to take a picture…Tilley hat was strapped in…wind shifted it off my head onto my shoulders as has happened a number of times during the long walk and then 😱 the Tilley blew off my head!!!!! On the ground ready to meet it’s maker…
Have honestly been told a number of times that I have pretty good reflexes…whether I actually do or not…my right trekking pole flashed forward at lightning speed and stabbed the Tilley as it started to careen madly away 😅
Phew crises averted except in doing so my gloves fell on the ground and the left trekking pole stabbed one glove…somehow picked the two items and went running after the second glove.
Man that was so so close to disaster…I likely lose a pair of gloves every season due to inattention but to lose the Tilley would have been devastating.
However all ended well ☺️
Stopped at an Irving gas station for some food items…gas stations are the only way to buy food in many areas. Fellow says “you walking the Island Walk?” “Yup!” Other guy beside him says I walked a couple of days but couldn’t hack the road walking…ok…
When I told them I was on day 13 they were quite surprised as this is typical day 17.
Somehow Camino walking came up as the fellow who tried the Island Walk did the Camino Portuguese from Lisbon…not too shabby as that’s 600+ kms. He said he was dialling it down and hoped to do short Caminos like Finisterre or the English way. Was a fun little chat…hope he gets to walk a Camino path again!
After the long walk I ended up at my accommodation Shaw’s hotel…a rough start…no one is around! Finally a young guy shows up and completes the checkin…I think he is maintenance 😂
There’s a sign saying breakfast 8am to 10am and a restaurant…sorry restaurant will only open in a week or so. Hmm 4 cookies…chocolate milk…3 Clif bars…2 small sandwiches. I have not eaten since breakfast and do not expect to be able to buy anything tomorrow during the day.
Oh well I will survive…
Meanwhile I am told I am in cottage 18… this has to be an upgrade as I thought l simply had a room in the Inn part. My home for the night…sleeps 8 with pull out sofa bed…but a little short of food!
While admiring the digs…a knock at the door…enter young guy saying….”the owner came up with this to help you out” How good is that!!!
Tomorrow on to Mount Stewart where George awaits (another email today)…he reminds me of Greg back from Day 11 in Kensington who was so very considerate and so very proud of his old historic home! 35 kms I think 🤔 scenic early again…should warm up a touch.
To finalize a few additional pictures from a very good day!
Sculptures along North Rustico boardwalk
Can’t Afford! |
Hurricane Fiona? |
So the Tilley might be saved (congratulations!) and the gloves too (double congratulations), but you have overlooked a Very Important Piece of Information....unless you put two patches on your Packa just for the purpose of satisfying a creative urge, I am led to conclude it is very likely you have, in fact, suffered TWO tears and not only one as reported. At least The Red Packa has. This is disturbing, but the blow is softened by the immaculate repair job. So many congratulations going your way that your head might swell so much your Tilley won't fit!
ReplyDeleteYea I must accept all congratulations modestly as I am always one step away from another screwup 😂. Thank you for keenly observing that I did not report two tears…phew I woke up early again and was able to note this on the blog before it publishes here! Appreciate the help!