Daily Information
Distance: 40.6 Kms [216.2Kms]
Walking time: 7h 21m [39h 47m]
Doddling time: 37m [200m]
% Doddling time: 7.7% [8.4%]
Avg walking speed: 5.5 Kms/hr [5.4 Kms/hr]
Elevation G/L meters: 68:(66) [668:(756)]
Total Daily Steps: 61,250 [338,494]
% of Walking Days Complete (24): 25.0%
% of Total Kms (estimate 703): 29.2%
% of Shuttle Rides (estimate 17): 52.9%
Today was another very good day…bright sunshine, winds light in the morning. The day got off to slower start than expected though…6:30am shuttle ride did not arrive…6:45 no…7:00 same so I phoned Barbara…and left a message. Shortly thereafter message returned…she was so apologetic “slept in…never done this before!”
All good…started at 7:45am and reiterated more than once “no problem” to Barbara who looked somewhat crestfallen.
Today I had the option of walking 31km and 35km tomorrow or 40km today and 26km tomorrow as per the original plan.
The walking breakdown was ~ 35kms secondary road and 5kms mud road walking…the latter was really astonishing around Cape North.
Prior to getting into the day into more detail…another momentary sidetrack…
Useful/Useless Information for the Day
A few months ago I replaced my Fitbit. Surprise 6 months free FitBit premium comes with it.
As per my norm I haven’t a clue about all the doodads that come with “premium”… way too many options. I like the step counting and the sleep measurements functions. That way if someone asks me how I slept I can always look at my FitBit 😂.
So this morning got a little curious and it turns out I can now scientifically prove that walking is good for sleep 😴. Here is my proof ☺️ Get out there and walk!
Month of April vs Last 5 Days - Daily Avg minutes for Deep and REM sleep stages
Deep Sleep - April 35; Last 5 days 60 [170%]
REM - April 54; Last 5 days 78 [144%]
Another fun 😳 fact…out of the last 6 months my sleep profile for 5 months is apparently the giraffe 🦒 March I was a tortoise 🐢.
The “sleep later” part is debatable considering I rarely last past 9:45pm…however overall seems about right. If you want to impress your sample and friends find out your sleep profile 😂
Ok now I will return to the regular walking update…
Found this was pleasant secondary road walking…traffic was light and often the ocean was visible. I was walking strongly this morning and fairly quickly decided that this was a 40km day.
Again the AirPods were in and one of the first songs was Thank you for the Music by ABBA. Yeah I know many really don’t like ABBA…too bad for you…. but I readily admit to enjoying their upbeat sound so I was happy! 😊
Super quiet walking…I met no one all day! Thankfully I have myself to entertain me ☺️ and my mind goes absolutely everywhere! Today it went into a reflective mode as the kms slipped by…
I reflected…as I often do…about how incredibly fortunate I am…so thankful for my family, friends and the ability at my advanced age to be out here walking all day.
I reflected..,as I often have..,over the most impactful job I ever had…perhaps a surprise to many…my 3 summers totalling 12 months working as an orderly in St B Hospital. I was exposed to so much during that time…saw how little gestures can mean so much…forever changed my perspective on things…
Back to the walk I came across the Stomping Tom Center (it was closed)…no I don’t have his songs in my Spotify list…maybe I should!
Before I knew it I was at Christopher Cross Waypoint 9 so half way there for the day!
The incredible part of the day was walking around North Cape which is essentially a giant wind turbine farm!
The coast line here is awesome…high sheer cliffs above the ocean. The colours…textures all around are stunning really. While I always kept a very safe distance from the cliffs edge one knows that slipping over the edge is NOT an option.
Walking right next to the massive wind turbines is amazing…they are giant!!!
Among the finest 4-5 kms of walking I have ever done. I included a number of photos in the pictures of the day below but really they don’t at all do it justice.
The short (~ 1 minute) professionally done drone video is outstanding…invite you to have a look.
On the injury front my luck may have run out somewhat…inside of my left foot has a hot spot. Sure looks and feels like a blister…tried surgery however no liquid. This happened on the Camino Primitivo and it the hot spot never became a problem…I can only hope!
Will put moleskin or other bandaid (Paulo I do NOT have Compeed 😢) on it tomorrow morning and we shall see!
The next two days are 26 and 25 kms before 41 kms Friday. Rain ☔️ and Packa Thursday. Just received an email from Ron who is in Tignish also so will likely see him tomorrow.
To close off a few pictures from the day..,
North Cape
Other pictures
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Clam strips and sweet potato fries after long walk - delicious 🤤 |
Who needs dangerous animals when you could fall off a cliff?!
ReplyDeleteBTW lovely to hear the tone of affection and admiration for your Packa buoying your outlook:)
Agreed the Packa get’s another run tomorrow… it will be good! Excellent point about no need for dangerous animals stories when cliffs could be much much worse! Still waiting to see a green snake…if that happens a whole blog will be dedicated to that…assuming I don’t have a heart attack first!