Daily Information
Distance: 22.3 Kms [175.6Kms]
Walking time: 4h 5m [32h 26m]
Doddling time: 17m [163m]
% Doddling time: 6.5% [8.4%]
Avg walking speed: 5.4 Kms/hr [5.4 Kms/hr]
Elevation G/L meters: 56:(81) [600:(690)]
Total Daily Steps: 38,750 [277,244]
% of Walking Days Complete (24): 25.0%
% of Total Kms (estimate 703): 25.0%
% of Shuttle Rides (estimate 17): 41.2%
Very keen observers 🙄 will notice that the Distance walked per 1,000 meters / Steps taken varies. Today the ratio was .575 Total to date .633. The reason for this is simple. The official Kms measurement for the day ends once I reach the Island Walk waypoint or in a few cases the hotel…steps taken after that vary depending on where eating facilities are etc.
So one of my steps is likely quite close to .6 meters. I can almost see the eye rolls out there…listen folks I actually wanted to be an Actuary so numbers are fun 🤓.
Today was a very nice easy waking day…bright sunshine…all went well…end of blog 😂
Sorry not quite…this morning Clayton drove Ron and I back to O’Leary…he was going to go an extra 2kms to Tim Hortons just so Ron could get a coffee…very thoughtful…however the local gas bar beside the trail head was open. I am too young to drink coffee so I had a hot chocolate. 😊
Ron and I sat down and had a sparse breakfast before setting out at 7:00 am.
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Ron…neck warmer as it was cool again |
As we were sitting there Kathleen stopped by on her morning walk and seemed very interested in learning more about the Island Walk. She has lived in 5 provinces and in PEI for 35 years…very pleasant chat. She referred to my 46 km yesterday as a marathon.
Voila another common point with Ron…he has run 18 in the past! I told him I had run 3…well 2 really as the 3rd was a waddle. I asked Ron what kind of times…he said about 8 minutes a mile…I was about 8.3 minutes a mile…neither of these qualify for the Olympics. 🤣
Ron mentioned in his last marathon he was to run around an army base 3 times and after the second time he couldn’t face another circle…the mental willingness disappeared and he went home. I told him in my second marathon I was within 1 mile of the finish (University Crescent) saw a donut shop (Robins) and came VERY close to stopping…the mental drive was pretty much done!
Another few commonalities Ron is an avid fan of curling, he also chows down on Clif bars for energy when walking and a few days ago he also stopped at Baba’s (the day I created my own path 😂). As he sat down to eat the owner mentioned that a young guy with all the gear had stopped by earlier that morning also on the Island Walk.
Ahem that “young guy” was me…no big deal…just saying. 😊
We chatted a bit more as we started and then he said “go ahead speedster”…and I moved ahead hoping we would meet again.
Ok time for a couple of minor diversions actually gear talk which could be of interest to other walkers.
Medical gear pouch
Well even “young guys” over time accumulate RX prescriptions for this and that…doctors specialize in this! Through a bit of research found this Lewis n Clark nifty pull out pouch which has 8 plastic pouches AM and PM.
Really nicely designed…added smaller ziploc bags and organized pills by day. No that is not crazy 😜 try and keep track of medications over 26 days!
Keen observers will note that the pouch for May 18 am is full…forgot…however happy to report that I am still very much alive! 😊
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Battery Charger
Have an iPhone 13 and bought this little battery charger. Light weight…well worth the $ and has come in handy so many times on longer days.
Blister Protection
As many ways to approach this as there are walkers. I had serious issues on the Camino Portuguese. My current approach is to walk in HOKA’s either Bondi V8 where grip is not as important ie Island Walk or Speedgoat V5 where grip (Vibram soles) is more important ie Camino Primitivo and Camino San Salvador.
I have added 2 Toms Sport Shield (one of many types) to apply to areas that chafe and my feet…all over including the sides. So far so good!
Walking was in three parts today…I enjoyed the variety.
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Confederation Trail |
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Red mud road |
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Secondary highway |
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