Daily Information
Distance: 26.5 Kms [354.7 Kms]
Walking time: 5h 2m [65h 22m]
Doddling time: 53m [7h 35m]
% Doddling time: 14.4% [10.4%]
Avg walking speed: 5.3 Kms/hr [5.4 Kms/hr]
Elevation G/L meters: 170(160) [1,049:(1,096)]
Total Daily Steps: 42,505 [548,859]
% of Walking Days Complete (24): 50.0%
% of Total Kms (estimate 703): 50.5%
% of Shuttle Rides (estimate 17): 70.6%
% Come on get a Wiggle on Days (>40 km): 57.1%
Well some important milestones today with 50% of walking days and total distance completed! Woohoo 🥳! Body…while a touch beat up…is holding up quite well so far! Ongoing but manageable blister issues on left foot.
Sometimes I fool myself into thinking that I am walking as well as 10 years ago in my first long walk…however I know that can’t be the case!
Today was another good day…contrary to the feedback received that this was the worst Island Walk stretch…far from it! Sure it was highway walking all the way however traffic was light and Islanders continue to be super considerate and move into the oncoming lane providing ample safety.
I found the scenery quite varied and interesting…rolling hills for the first time made walking more challenging but a welcome change. Saw more variety in trees 🌲 with quite a few evergreens…reminded me of walks in some sections in France.
Back to last night and The Island Stone Pub…quite a large place...of course got there my mandatory 20 minutes early and sat at an available stool. Just after 5:00pm the restaurant area was busy however the « stool » area wasn’t so it was pretty quiet…no chatter with anyone which frankly felt a bit like a lost opportunity…
The were so many great choices…I landed on the fish tacos which while incredibly messy to eat 🤣 were super tasty. I had the choice between fries and salad…well glory be…and chose the salad. On Camino walks throughout Spain fries, fries and more fries. At first it’s a treat as it isn’t something I often have at home however by Day 11…hmm time to move to something else…of course I say that and we shall see…
In a pub…had my second beer of the walk…asked for a recommendation and received a local light coloured lager…very tasty however given that I drink maybe 3 - 4 beers a year a pint 🍺 seemed like an enormous quantity! When I stood to leave I felt quite wobbly 🥹…all in all a very good recommendation from Greg at the B&B.
Woke up to a welcoming email from George at the Bao Shack Inn in Mt Stewart (May 30) asking when I thought I might arrive given he will be out and about that day…he will leave key in lockbox…the name of my room « Cherry Hill ». Some just have the right touch and are in the right business…George being in the hospitality business is clearly one of those people.
Had an incredible B&B breakfast courtesy Greg who woke up early and was ready at 7 am pronto! I must have had 10 choices for omelet filing…seeing as I enjoy most everything I said yes to everything.
A few diversions before the walking day which again was very quiet…no incidents…no people encounters.
Minor equipment malfunction
This hurts but my Packa has a small tear…I am guessing it likely happened on one of the mornings where the Packa was deployed … a shuttle ride was required…and the backpack was chucked in the trunk…my bad!
I have a very small travel size duct tape with me however it’s a dark colour 🤔 I would prefer to find red duct tape…which I know exists…you know for image purposes…also wait to get help at home to cut a nice shape as well instead of the butcher job I will most definitely do. Will have to watch this carefully and if need be perform emergency repairs.
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😪🥲😢 |
Notes to self
Before concluding there is no overhead ceiling light in room do one of two things 1) look up to the ceiling and 2) if there is a light fixture do not conclude it is for show purposes only as the light switch may be outside the room! 🥹
Having small items in packing cubes is a good idea however when late in the day say 9:00pm 🤣 have a good look before brushing teeth…tubes like hydrocortisone cream and toothpaste can be mistaken!
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Came within a millisecond of brushing my teeth with wrong tube…coaster there for photo composition and artistic flair |
Ok walking started at 7:45 am in shorts and t-shirt only! What a great feeling…cool to start but started to warm quickly…currently 29 C.
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A Hill to climb |
Further along the Anne of Green Gables signs for various attractions starting popping up everywhere!
Sometime around 12:30 or so reached Cavendish Boardwalk mall and decided I had to stop to eat lunch…had a sandwich and had noticed Cows ice cream sign 🥳.
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Cannot describe how good that ice cream was and the Anne raspberry cordial was tasty as well! |
Soon I settled in the Kindred Spirits Inn and promptly fell asleep 😴. Showered (easy to use 😊) and refreshed walked back down the road ~ 1.5 km to get something for supper at local grocery store. The Inn has kindly made a boxed breakfast for me as they only start serving at 7:30am.
Tomorrow 26 kms to 9 kms past Cymbria in Cavendish, PEI National Park where I understand damage from Hurricane Fiona will be quite evident!
Late breaking news…delightful FaceTime with Rishi (1) and daughter Jeanne. So darn cute 🥰 that little guy!
Late late breaking news…another delightful FaceTime with Rose (8) and Elodie (5). Rose played a song at a piano recital this afternoon…saw the video…incredible so proud ! Elodie was at a dance recital also this afternoon…I’m sure she did equally well…again so proud!
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Smiling Elodie! |
Knock at the door and the Inn keeper hands me this box which says Happy Walking - freshly baked cookies 🍪. These are the moments I remember most!
Finally some pictures from the day…
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Breakfast room at the B&B |
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It’s a horse! |
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Quite striking really - potato field |
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Just seemed neat! |
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Really run down poor church |
Seeing as I got you in to this mess, the lest I can do is to help you out of it. Could you cut a piece of duct tape (any colour/color), and make sure you round off the corners so it doesn't end up peeling....then apply it to the INSIDE and noone need know it is even there, but it will prevent the tear increasing (a stitch in time....) We who live in the Antipodes can usually think outside the box! One more suggestion, as good as my idea is, I remember the difficulty you had getting the Packa ON, so I think it may be prudent of you to employ the services of a host or shopkeeper or someone or anyone rather than trying to wrangle the tape ALONE - that might provide you with an amusing tale for your blog but I'd prefer to hear about the walk! Maybe ask if you can borrow their scissors too - they would have to be better than yours.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant Rachael! The repair is already done and I must proudly say “I did it all myself”! You will get a mention and a picture of the repair job in my next blog. Seriously, while you are fully aware that silly stories and some exaggeration is involved as this keeps me going on the less interesting stretches, I do fully appreciate the help received from you both in choosing the Packa and this repair! Thank you 🙏
DeleteExaggeration? Really? (Did you think I was exaggerating about your incompetence? lol) Actually I've had a moment or two of hoping you'd read the humour as intended - seems we are on the same page. Phew!
DeleteRachael I had a very good laugh when I saw your comments about asking for scissors..asking for someone to hold the tape etc. Perfect…humour when it goes both ways is amazing when one is dog tired and a little beat up…will that toe nail fall off…it did on another long walk!
DeleteIf by any chance the duct tape repair eventually wears off, Tenacious Tape comes in red and is very flexible (and tenacious!). It is self-stick ripstop nylon, great and lightweight to carry a 6-inch or so piece in your emergency repair kit. Use the same excellent application directions that Rachel gave above (rounded corners, apply inside). I ripped the knee of my hiking trousers on the first day of this trip, and the Tenacious Tape repair has made the tear almost invisible and has held through numerous trips through the washing machine. Available in sports stores and through Amazon.
Elaine that is a great suggestion and I will order red Tenacious tape when I get home…must seem strange for you to be home or almost there after the long stay in Spain! Sounds like you had a wonderful time!
DeleteWe did indeed. 82 days in Spain! We fly back tomorrow. I’ll be watching for your statistics every day, though! I’ve loved your write-ups. I can really picture the trip.