Daily Information
Distance: 20.9 Kms [106.9 Kms]
Walking time: 3h 51m [19h 48m]
Doddling time: 19m [118m]
% Doddling time: 7.6% [9.0%]
Avg walking speed: 5.4 Kms/hr [5.4 Kms/hr]
Elevation G/L meters: 46:(39) [457:(513)]
Total Daily Steps: 37,501 [175,028]
% of Walking Days Complete (24): 16.7%
% of Total Kms (estimate 703): 15.2%
% of Shuttle Rides (estimate 17): 23.5%
Ok I have buckled to popular demand and will now report all statistics on both a daily basis and cumulative to date [ ] basis. Also will give perspective opposite Total Walking Days - 24, Total Kms - 703 and Total Shuttle Rides - 17. Geez 🙄 the work I put myself through…don’t bother asking anyone else if they asked for the cumulative statistics or % Total Days, Kms or Shuttle Rides as they will surely deny it 😉.
The Island Walk website describes today’s walk as follows:
“A quiet walk along the tree-lined Confederation Trail. This walk includes the longest straight stretch on the Confederation Trail – 11 km!
As you leave Summerside, the City by the Sea, you will trade stunning ocean views for the glorious feeling of the trees hugging in on you!”
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The 11km straight stretch |
Basically a perfect day! A little cool to start however by end of the walk I was in a short sleeves T-shirt. The change from road walking was very welcome…Spotify playlist on…as peaceful walking as one could hope for!
Before getting into a few more details about my day…wait for it…NOTHING happened…a few customary diversions to share the odd laugh and fill in blog space. 😂
Odd thing happened
Must be getting a little tired…woke up this morning and noticed I was wearing my sleeping gym shorts backwards 😳 I knew this because the front pockets were…well facing backwards. How could this have happened… not like me to be so inattentive. 🤔😉
I did not think it appropriate to include a picture…nor could I figure out how to do it…let me see…reverse the camera like taking a selfie…hold it up high…back to the mirror…maybe it would work?🤣
New Island Walk Name Contest
This is open to any blog readers, their family and friends etc. What should this crazy walk be called? Suggestions open until June 9th…target completion date…there is no 🏆 other than the glory attached to being named in a future blog posting. Anonymous entries accepted.
The official name for this walk is The Island Walk. Unofficially the creators of the walk also named it Camino de la Isla…they had walked a Camino path and the Rota Vincentina in Portugal. Isla = Island in Spanish
My friend Ken aptly named it Camino de la Shuttle after the 17 planned shuttle rides along the route…I know that’s crazy 😜.
I think I will remember this walk as the Camino de la Viento! Viento = Wind in Spanish. It’s simply howling out there again! Have a look at tomorrow Sunday!
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90% change of rain 5 - 10 mm wind 45km gusting to 68km 😢 |
All right enough procrastinating Guy! What about today’s walk?
Well…day got off to a great start with finally a delicious breakfast! The breakfast room opened at 7:00 am so I sauntered over at 6:40 am said “Hi guess I’m too early” to the very pleasant breakfast attendant. Well surprise surprise 😊 she replied “no problem come in all is ready”. I really liked her approach…understand rules are required however when the circumstances make sense change them!
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What a breakfast - heavy on the carbs! |
Now I did not intend to have waffles on top of everything else…no way was I going to attempt to operate that waffle machine! Have you seen those devices? So many instructions…pour here, twist that, close lid etc etc however I received an offer of help I could not refuse!
Other than that let me see over 4h and 21 kms 1) saw a couple run by me and then on their return same 2) older fellow on a bike same 3) another old guy walked past me on the trail. C’est tout…Absolument personne d’autre 😢!!!
Whereas the quantity of social interactions was very low the quality of the people exchanges was extremely high…in all cases “Hi”. 😂 So a low key day for sure!
On the personal injury side nothing to report thankfully…feet and toes are a little sore and a bit unhappy however no blisters or hot spots…shoulders a bit grouchy carrying the backpack…will see if straps can be tightened a bit. Both of these are very common in early days.
Toes are major concern areas for sure…in my first Camino the Via Jacobi in Switzerland I started with shoes that were my size. On downhills I kept banging the front of the shoe…resulting in well one less toe nail…upon my return I had 1/2 size bigger shoes which made a huge difference!
Improperly cut toe nails can also make a real mess of things… I have always cut my nails however no more. A while back saw a Chiropodist regarding a corn… no problem removed… he then proceeded to cut my toe nails. Again something that had been recommended but I never got to it… a convert for life… crucial area for walking.
That’s it for the day…I have nothing else…started walking at 7:00 am…finished shortly after 11:00 am and shuttled back to Summerside just after noon.
Go Corey Conners Canada 🇨🇦 who is one shot behind the lead at the PGA golf major championship after 3 rounds!!! This fellow has a degree in Actuarial Math!
Tomorrow 5:30 am shuttle back to Wellington for what promises to be the longest day at 46 kms of the entire Island Walk…and it will rain 🌧️.
So the Packa will be tested…at least I think so…unless it doesn’t rain again OR I make a mad dash to/from Charlottetown to get my other rain gear 😂 No the Packa test is finally going to happen 😯!
A few pictures from the day…
Gates at every road crossing |
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Confirms 46 km tomorrow 🙄 |
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Waypoint 4 in Summerside |
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My kind of guard dog - quiet types 😉 |
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The best walking surface ever!!! |
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I will be ok! |
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Little nest right in middle of path |
You tease, you! It’s already Sunday afternoon here in NZ and I’m pleased to report it has rained so hard there that can’t be much left to drop in the northern hemisphere - so you might not even need the Packa :)
ReplyDeleteCamino de la Viento is no good on many counts 1) what happens when it’s not windy? 2) what’s with Spanish? Shouldn’t it at least be French if English is no good? 3) the advertising folks might not like the idea that it could be seen as a reference to farting 4) what’s wrong with The Island Walk? A little vague perhaps….at least you’ll have something to think about on your marathon Sunday
Rachael…Packa update on todays blog…stay tuned 😊. As to the name contest just having a little fun…Spanish sounds so much better!
DeleteI love the new statistics!
ReplyDeleteElaine highly suspect you are the only person perusing them…but I like them 😂