Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Special Edition - Sep 28, 2022 Botafumeiro, Tilley Hat, Cathedral Rooftop Tour

A few notable events today warrant a quick special blog.


Anyone who has seen the Botufumeiro swing is both amazed and lucky. The Botufumeiro swings on 10 or  so regular religious dates or when someone pays 400€ to see it swing.

I have gone to the Pilgrim’s mass 3 times to see it swing and incredibly it has swung each time.


Day 85 of Camino walking…necessitating 3 trips to Europe when the plan was one trip. A lot had happened during that time period…both to me and consequently impacting people very close to me.

The Botufumeiro swung and all I remember was releasing all these emotions as tears just streamed down my face..a very special moment.


Camino Portuguese - forced stop in Porto for 4 days to get medical attention for blisters. I walked/hobbled the 280 or so kms to Santiago de Compostela on very tender feet. It was the most difficult walking ever! The Botufumeiro swung and I just sat back looking at it with aching feet…no tears.


Camino Primitivo -  Botufumeiro swung and I just had a big smile…all was good!

Now prior to the mass, which I did not understand one word as it was in Spanish…they must have announced 10 times no videos allowed.

The  Botufumeiro starts swinging and everyone around me starts taking video. Now I have spent a lifetime trying to follow rules etc etc but this time I thought go for it! So I took a video like everyone else…felt a little good to stretch the rules a bit.

After mass I got  together with Paulo and Pierre who were sitting elsewhere (the church was standing room only!) and asked them if they had taken a video…no they said it was forbidden! Pierre said “young people of today don’t listen”…so I felt a little sheepish and quickly erased my video as Paulo is a lawyer and who knows what trouble I could get into.

Here is a 2-3 minute link to the Botufumeiro on YouTube if you are interested.

Tilley Hat

Paulo has been pestering me that my Tilley hat stinks so I bowed to pressure and washed/dried itπŸ™„

A few pictures below (selfies) this is NOT a good look for the upcoming Camino San Salvador! Maybe if I soak in water and let it dry it will regain it’s shape…anyone out there have ideas let me know!

Cathedral Rooftop Tour

This was an hour long tour…would have been very interesting except it was ALL in Spanish…I understood maybe 5 words however the views were superb…after climbing 140 steps πŸ‘ A few pictures…


  1. Guy, you could try rewetting Mr Tilley, and then form into your desired shape and leave him to dry in that pose. Unfortunate advice if it’s not hot, but it should work.Failing that, just wear Mr Packa.

  2. Apologies for commenting anonymously but you can probably work out who has a vested interest in the versatility of your Packa!

    1. Thanks Rachel…I will try as you suggest…I am sure it will regain form at some point! Raining as I leave Santiago de Compostela…maybe the Packa will get used in next few days?

  3. i think the hat will regain his natutal shape, after you start to swet again. but the washing was a “must” my friend! good luck in your 8th camino!

    1. Not convinced it needed washing Paulo!!!
