Daily Information
Distance: 32.3 Kms [319.6 Kms]
Walking time: 6h 37m [73h 42m]
Avg walking speed: 4.9 Kms/hr [4.3 Kms/hr]
Elevation G/L meters: 557:(639) [7,883:(7,945)]
Total Daily Steps: 43,506 [443,353]
We did it! What an incredible walk…feeling a wee bit tired but oh so very very good! Battled our way through the Lake District, recovered through the Yorkshire Dales and finished strong in the North York Moors.
Without question a superb walk and the toughest long walk for me considering all factors…distances, terrain and weather.
Last night we just missed Ben and Jason as they were coming out of the restaurant. Tomorrow they have a 6:30am breakfast as they must hustle hard to be in Robin Hoods Bay by 4:00 for a shuttle ride. Ben is clearly hurting…here’s hoping his knee allows him to complete the Coast to Coast walk in a safe and healthy manner.
Supper was a time to reflect a bit on what we have accomplished…it’s been an experience neither Greg nor I will soon forget (well I hope 🤞 so otherwise geez 🙄…)
Simple dishes…both went with pizza…
Kiwi and Lime cider…real smooth! |
Marguerita Pizza |
Breakfast was superb…my last English breakfast! 😪

Today was a long day… one that had a bit of everything…long climb over 3-4 kms in an around the 6 km mark! Seemed like we were climbing forever!
Pretty steep climbing!
Just after Littlebeck we walked through a really outstanding forest…as nice as I can recall.
With about 10 kms to go we sloshed our way through a really poor stretch of fields, mud and boggy terrain. The footing was poor…I managed to stay away from a mini meltdown 😊
Then incredibly while we were walking the cliffs into Robin Hoods Bay…really spectacular…stuck to the path walking!
Walked into Robin Hood Bay until we reached the North Sea…pitched our respective rocks in…C2C walk completed!!! Greg’s rock went further…my shoulder hurt is my excuse!
We did it! |
Goodbye Little Rock from St. Bees! |
My celebratory drink…strawberry milkshake with whipped cream and marshmallows 😂
Greg has been an outstanding walking partner…thank you! Always keeps his cool 😎, strong walker and excellent route finding skills. Sure Greg is a seasoned athlete however long distance day after day walking is a very different experience. No sweat for Greg…he may or may not choose to do this ever again…but the youngster simply nailed a very challenging walk!
Next planned long walk..life permitting…is scheduled for mid Sep 2024 with Paulo from Brazil. This will be our fourth long walk…unreal considering this all started with my giving him a Canadian lapel pin in the sink area of the Roncesvalles men’s washroom.
Where, what walk TBD…main contenders are Camino Invierno and possibly Camino Inglis in Spain or joining a trekking company trip to Choquoquierao then Machu Picchu in Peru. Both are approximately 2 week walks…we shall see where the spirit moves.
Kevin found a flight from Manchester so it’s the overnight bus for us! 😂🙄😴
Thanks for reading…sending your comments and encouragement!
Some final pictures from the day…cheers!
Must be a real flood risk |
Mid afternoon snack! |
Final picture for my granddaughter Rose 🌹 |
You didn't say as much, but it is very clear to the perceptive reader that Greg offered you chocolates today. I wonder what you chose. By the way, it is a good strategy. On one of our caminos our Ella-Rose was given an aniseed ball at the end of every day she hadn't grumbled. She was eight at the time;-) Congratulations.
ReplyDelete😂 You are indeed very perceptive Rachael! Except today it was a well timed stop for the fries 🍟 identified as snack time and a coke. This came just after the dreadful walk through the boggy area…there is essentially only the faintest path here. No matter it was ALL worth it and I truly mean that. What an incredible experience…no question any future long walks will be a little less “interesting”. Quite the contrast to the PEI Walk 😂. Thanks for all your comments Rachael…as you well know well timed humour goes a long way when tired and a touch grumpy!
DeleteRachael I am asking a favour as I have full confidence that you will be able to help me. We met Richard and Frances from New Zealand...likely mid 60’s like me. I believe they live in Auckland New Zealand and have walked a number of long walks including I think a Camino path or two. Unfortunately we moved ahead of them and did not obtain their contact information i.e. email address. Given your vast knowledge about all things walking including associated folks who walk and the fact that you likely know most everyone in New Zealand I would greatly appreciate if you could forward their contact info to me when time permits. Please and thank you! Guy ☺️
DeleteDoes my cottage smell like a Rose?
ReplyDeleteRose Arbez
Where is my cottage?
Elodie Arbez
Yes Rose your cottage smells like a dozen roses 🌹🥰 Elodie I am sure you have a cottage out there and it’s rainbow 🌈 coloured with Unicorns 🦄 on the roof 🥰 Hugs 🤗 and kisses 😘
DeleteI still think that you need to put a final closure blog post outlining lessons learned as well as the adventure getting from Robin Hood's Bay to London ... Arriva Bus, Megabus Bus, Oxford Bus, Taxi. Helpful security guards, locked bus stations, almost not having supper, person wanting a ride on my bag, waiting outside a bible church, rude bus driver, having to pay again for Bus, trying to find a taxi with maybe an hour wait that was really only 15 minutes. Too much fun.
ReplyDeleteI re-read my comments from Day Zero and packing the Chocolate bars was fortuitous. There were not a lot of Gas stations to buy them along the way.
My training for the adventure was woeful at best ... there simply aren't any hills in Winnipeg to train for what we encountered ... but we survived. Next time don't forget to pack the Advil!
For a future adventure, I think Iceland is supposed to have some nice hikes!
All in all, it was a great adventure, thanks for the opportunity and keep me in mind for future "strolls across the English county side"!
Greg I will consider your request for a final blogpost however the problem is if lessons were learned I forget them immediately!
DeleteGuy, apologies for the delay. I’m doing my best sleuthing. I have turned up a Frances in the right age demographic who does long distance walking. (Actually she lives just up the street and I have walked with her and her other half a couple of times but I don’t remember if his name was Richard!! It might have been. They wrote a book which I read so once I’ve trawled through my public library history from before COVID I should have a better idea of if I’m hot on the trail of something!!
ReplyDeleteJust for a change forgot to change my name!
DeleteRachael, I read your reply with complete astonishment! I sent my message to you thinking it was rather clever on my part to suggest you might know this couple. Never did I even consider the possibility that you might. I know it’s an extreme long shot that my Frances = your Frances but if it materializes what a story that would be! Appreciate very much your consideration to this search…stranger things have happened or have they? 😂
DeleteSorry to get your hopes up - turned out to be Max and Frances! But it would have been quite the story because I met them through a lady who lives just round the corner from me - and how did I meet her? On the Camino forum!
ReplyDeleteDid it again!
ReplyDeleteI’ll keep looking for another Richard and Frances! You could try the Camino forum!
Rachael…as impossible as it was that you knew this couple it was fun to consider it! I will pursue on the Forum as well as a Facebook group for the Coast to Coast. I expect this must have happened to you…meet some interesting people…see them again occasionally on walk and before you know it one or the other has moved on ahead and you think “why didn’t we exchange particulars?”. Nature of long walks…many thanks for trying! Guy