Daily Information
Distance: 13.9 Kms [79.4 Kms]
Walking time: 4h 10m [21h 28m]
Avg walking speed: 3.3 Kms/hr [3.7 Kms/hr]
Elevation G/L meters: 682(:658) [3,172:(3,056)]
Total Daily Steps: 24,500 [127,926]
« And the toughest section occurs at the very start as you tackle the Lakes (assuming you start your walk on the west coast at St Bees and head eastwards); the terrain on this section is steep and difficult, and the lack of signposts through the national park can make it difficult to find your way. »
Phew if the above wasn’t true I honestly think I would be giving serious consideration to packing it in.
One more day tomorrow in the Lakes District…26 km however we have been assured by Dave the owner at the Old Water Inn that there are far fewer rivers/beck/streams to cross 😊 However the high point of the C2C awaits 😰
Today was a very hard day again…yesterday was an unforgettable experience…today a little less so but merits a very high ranking in my toughest ever walking days.
At breakfast this morning we sat beside a couple from the United States who had returned to Rothswaite yesterday after seeing the scary river crossing. They boarded a bus to find many other walkers who did the same. I think we were likely in the small minority yesterday in having walked…today many more would have walked is our impression.
Rain - started the day in pouring rain again. It did let up after an hour or so to a steady lighter rain…in the afternoon we saw a little sunshine!
Wind - as fierce as yesterday if not worse! At some point today I could barely stand upright…have no idea how Greg does it considering the body weight difference!
Terrain - same same same very rocky, water streaming down the so called trail, slippery etc. Very tough walking where concentration is required at virtually all times…and even then 😪
Beck/River/Stream crossings - stopped counting at 20 mid day…likely 6-8 were ankle deep so you walk in…fill your boots…hope you stay on your feet in the rushing water.
Two of them were knee deep…in one of them that became waist deep for me!!! Was nearly to other side when…stepped into empty space within a foot or so of the other side…made it through wet but ok. Examples of water we crossed…
Navigation - overall slightly easier except for the last valley which was quite tricky again. Greg once again doing a masterful job trying to follow Mac’s GPS tracks…it is NOT easy!
Pratfalls - objective for the day was to stay on my feet! Yesterday I had 7-8 falls…today only 3 (not counting the beck slip) but overall they were doozies…quality tumbles resulting in hurts and scrapes as per Injury report below…ouch!
Greg coming out of the shower “Guy come here…there is a step as you enter the shower and I have placed a towel as it could be slippery” Small consolation in talking to others walkers I am far from the only person who has had a tumble over the past couple of days.
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Thoughtful but had it really come down to this? It has 😪 |
Injury Report - Greg is staying on his feet and other than sore muscles is doing well. Honestly I am quite beat up.
Yesterday I mentioned some nicely coloured toes on left foot as a result of a fall. Having broken two toes in the past I was quite worried that I had done the same again. However this morning…no additional pain…no swelling…walked without any problems.
However todays tumbles…one of them on a large rock have left some soreness on the inside of both knees…pain in left hand pinkie…scrapes on right elbow, forearm and a very sore upper right arm. That is all I can feel right now. 🥹
On two of the falls rather than bracing the fall with my hands I rolled and landed on my side and upper arm. Will just have to watch the arm issue…expect shirt on/off will be tough for a while. Asked and received ice here at the Inn.
On the positive side NO blisters to date. I have often read that blisters are not caused by wet feet..they are caused by friction. Well here is the ultimate test!
Old Water Inn reception by Dave was top notch…THE BEST so far! He explained everything…organized for packed lunches, dinner, has an honour system for drinks/bars (have bought a coke…which I never drink and Chunky Kit Kat bar).
We were shown to a drying room where boots, clothes, rain gear are hung up and will spend the night. Two large boilers in the room set up solely for this purpose!
Should be a fun supper…so far Diane & Dave from the US and Frances and Richard from New Zealand have made an appearance…the latter skipped stage 3 (yesterday) but walked today. They commented to me that they had never seen anything like yesterday in all their walking days.
So…again pretty tired…will take an Advil or two. Some pictures from the day …Lake District scenery is outstanding!
On to tomorrow…Day 5…no idea about rain etc. Can’t possibly be worse…can it? No way…it will be better…I can feel it in my bones! 😊 Or is that one of the pratfalls talking to me? 🤔
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Typical path we walk through |
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A little wet 😂 |
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This crossing was not deep but long ! |
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Typical where is the trail? |
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A bridge!!! How novel! Why? |
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We did not have to cross however extensive flooding! |
I have never seen such wet conditions! Stay safe Guy.
ReplyDeleteWeather has improved greatly after a horrendous start! Thanks for the encouragement! Guy
DeleteI'm reading this late...but by the time I get on to future posts I'm expecting I'll see you've picked up a canoe.
ReplyDeleteA canoe would have been nice in a few spots but would have tipped over in many others. Plus you should see Mr in a canoe oie skillful I am not! 😂