Daily Information
Distance: 27.3 Kms [106.7 Kms]
Walking time: 7h 40m [29h 08m]
Avg walking speed: 3.6 Kms/hr [3.7 Kms/hr]
Elevation G/L meters: 978:(884) [4,150:(3,940)]
Total Daily Steps: 46,103 [174,029]
We are out of the Lake District! Incredible scenery…an experience not soon forgotten. So many folks…Nina who we met on Day 1 and again this morning summed it best “I have been in the Lake District many times…never have I seen weather and water like this!”
Today was a very long day…left just before 9:00am and arrived at Brookfield B&B at 6:00pm. This is the latest I have ever arrived in all my long walks.
Unfortunately breakfast times in the UK are pretty inflexible…8:00 am is the earliest. Well when walking long days this is too late. After a little negotiating tomorrow’s breakfast will be at 7:30am . We have 32kms to go..,the day should be MUCH easier than today…we are told 🤔
Last night we had a neat supper in the Inn…carbohydrate light I understood 😂
Onions, baked potato, tuna salad, coleslaw, cheese
Frances and Richard from New Zealand were there which made for a fun evening of swapping stories. Today we saw them frequently throughout the walk…they are in Shap in a different accommodation.
 | Richard & Frances New Zealand |
At this point I am not sure who is winning the battle…C2C or me. Physically and mentally the hardest thing I have ever done! The mental part is the toughest simply trying to stay on my feet! Man that had been frustrating but it is getting better. Tumble scorecard Day 3 - 8, Day 4 - 4, Day 5 (today) - 2. No new injuries…previous problems slowly improving.
So I am calling it a draw so far between C2C and me! 🤔
Today minimal rain finally!!! The breakdown of my day…
Great start… rainbow…granddaughter Elodie (5) would have loved it…even more if a unicorn would have materialized,
The next 8-9 kms were climbing to the highest peak on the C2C path Kidsty peak. I felt strong..,the legs were cooperating and it was super fun!
 | Me
 | Greg |
The next 2 kms were dreadful…super steep down where you are often shimmying down on your bum. One pratfall occurred here. Not a great picture however you get the idea of the steep descent.
After the descent the next 5 kms were very poor walking for me..black cloud ☁️ time. I was so fed up with water, mud, rocks, up, down…really not a hamper camper. One splat on my *ss in the mud!
Greg then offered me half a twix bar and some fruit snacks and voila the black cloud lifted and I walked relatively strongly to finish.
One last thing…have been notified that Sept 30th there will be a national rail strike…the day we are travelling back to Gatwick airport 🥲. Have received a lengthy email with multiple links which I am waaaayyy to tired to look at tonight.
Honestly whoever sent this email must have read my Aug 24th blogpost…😰. Will look at this tomorrow…best course of action is likely to assume our rail travel plans are screwed and look at bus alternatives.
Some pictures from quite the day…
Fantastic pics Guy, have a great walk.
ReplyDeletePierre great to hear from you! Been a real challenge with weather but things have settled down nicely.
DeletePlanning a 2024 Camino with Paulo, maybe we see you again then.
Take care