Daily Information
Distance: 0.0 Kms [488.0 Kms]
Walking time: 0h 0m [90h 34m]
Doddling time: 0m [10h 01m]
% Doddling time: 0.0% [10.0%]
Avg walking speed: 0.0Kms/hr [5.4Kms/hr]
Elevation G/L meters: 0(0) [1,456:(1,362)]
Total Daily Steps: 0 [730,030]
% of Walking Days Complete (24): 66.7%
% of Total Kms (estimate 703): 69.4%
% of Shuttle Rides (estimate 17): 76.5%
% Come on get a Wiggle on Days (>40 km): 57.1% [80.0%]
Keen observers of daily stats will conclude that I did not walk today…you would be right! I did not bother recording my 2,526 steps taken today 😮💨
Woke up this morning after a restless night feeling ok however quickly realized that walking today would be foolish. Stomach issues settled, Imodium issues were not…felt pretty tired as well.
Made my way downstairs to see Dave who was waiting for me for breakfast and shuttle ride at 6:45am and told him I thought I had two options.
1) skip the segment into Singing Sands Inn and have him shuttle me there as late as possible, OR
2) stay an extra night at Johnston Shore Inn…walk tomorrow and change my June 2 reservation at Singing Sands to June 3.
After a few calls/emails option 2) was the choice. I am, unless I do not feel well tomorrow morning, deferring the decision about completely finishing The Island Walk or not.
With option 2) if I am not in walking condition tomorrow I will shuttle to Singing Sands as early as possible.
There is a chance with option 2) that I can complete the entire walk however it would require a 38km walk on June 4th. Luckily the planned stages on June 3 and June 4th were 18kms and 20kms the shortest back to back days in the entire walk
Spending extra time on the walk…further deferring accommodation dates and flight home is not an option for me. I want to go home as planned…I miss home and The Island Walk has come pretty close to defeating me…in terms of completing it.
If I don’t finish it completely I can live with that.
As I write this some body improvements however I am not there yet…slept 4 hours this morning and a further 2 this afternoon…perhaps this extra day time sleep has happened before however I can’t recall and don’t think so!
Last evening I went down to chat with Dave and Melanie for a while..Dave had to leave to take his Epsom salt bath but Melanie was keenly interested in my thoughts of The Island Walk. I told her the positives and the negatives…lack of accommodation being the primary one.
Melanie was really focused on accommodation providers that do not provide food options to walkers. This really upsets her to the point where she believes they should not be official Island Walk Accommodation providers…a very good point!
That’s it…if I had to spend an extra night somewhere I could do worse than this…😊
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Dave (left) and a friend caught an 842 Tuna in 2019 |
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Nice place to sit and watch the lobster boats etc |
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