Daily Information
Distance: 36.0 Kms [488.0 Kms]
Walking time: 6h 37m [90h 34m]
Doddling time: 17m [10h 01m]
% Doddling time: 4.1% [10.0%]
Avg walking speed: 5.4Kms/hr [5.4Kms/hr]
Elevation G/L meters: 89(36) [1,456:(1,362)]
Total Daily Steps: 47,920 [730,030]
% of Walking Days Complete (24): 66.7%
Y% of Total Kms (estimate 703): 69.4%
% of Shuttle Rides (estimate 17): 76.5%
% Come on get a Wiggle on Days (>40 km): 57.1% [80.0%]
Quite the day! Left around 7:45 after a superb breakfast prepared by Sarah. Without doubt the best breakfast of the entire walk…in a beautiful setting…
Fruit and Yogurt |
Lemon blueberry pancakes |
A few diversions for the day
And the winner is… Early blogs focused on “fun with showers” and the various terrible designs. Well the shower here at Points East Coastal Inn should be the Canadian and I dare say the World standard.
One simple lever however the magic is the overhead large spray nozzle which you do not have to stand under while regulating water temperature.
You know the feeling of cold water in the pipe hitting you as you turn the control lever or sometimes scalding hot water hitting you as one tries to figure out the d*rn lever. Perfect!
Perfect design! |
Packed lunch today…a very big challenge on the Island Walk and especially today where all walking is on the Confederation Trail is to have something to eat during the day. Zippo places for the most part unless a small town has a convenience store or a gas station. This sure isn’t the Camino Frances where small bars are everywhere!
So you pick up and accumulate stuff wherever you can…for today have a look at the lineup…3 cinnamon rolls…3 cookies…apple…smallest sandwich possible (last one store had) and ginger ale which will likely explode when I open it! Plus I have 4 emergency Clif bars…overall I give myself 8/10 for having food and 1/10 for adherence to basic nutritional eating 😂 The one is for the ginger cookie I have!
Disaster averted at 12:30 am…woke up and for some reason looked at my phone…don’t normally do this at night as it’s not the best sleep 😴 approach. To my horror it was not plugged in! So I went to find my magic Apple charger…could not find it anywhere (I have backup 😊)…by this time I had turned on the lights.
This isn’t possible…I had it yesterday…flipped the cover on the bed and voila…phew. Now if you think this is the only reason I woke up well you would be wrong…66 years old says it all 😂
What to do…what to do? The dreaded 1 in a red circle for Settings…IOS 16.5 update is there promising bug fixes etc. (which I am sure Business fought tooth and nail for…System Architects saying no because they know Business needs so well 😩). An update that gets screwed up at this point would not be good.
Decision: Cost/Benefit - Potential risk impact outweighs benefits…accept I have a substandard IOS operating system until I return home.
Last evening was a real pleasure…nothing open in St. Peter’s so Rodger offered to drive out and get takeout food for me and Sue and Randy a couple from Vancouver (Surrey which forms part of greater Vancouver).
I chose fish and chips yes I know that fries were a thing of the past on this walk but forget it! Sue and Randy are on a bike adventure from tip to tip…North Cape to East Point. She has done this in Italy…Randy first time. I believe in total 5 days of bike riding and both said it had been an excellent trip so far. Today will be there last day so they will miss the rain 😊.
I asked if they had any issues like you know sore somewhere riding all day…Sue laughed oh yes early on…apparently riders often bring their own seat saddles from home! It was just nice to sit on the porch…lake in the background…chat and be off my feet!
A bike holiday…even if I have not been on a bike in at least 7-8 years sounds like something fun to do! Maybe in Holland or somewhere that really specializes in bike touring!
Touch disappointed - just received my Canadian Master Newsletter with a long list of new Canadian records set mid April to mid May. Greg with whom I will walk the England Coast to Coast walk mid September 2023 is not on the list! Greg what gives?
Note the above was written before I left this morning. I will finish off with one story as I am honestly writing this under duress Alka Seltzer and Imodium kind. 😪 This has not happened to me in years!
I was supposed to have supper here tonight however went down and stated where I was at with Melanie and Dave. They were so very understanding…Melanie said “you have to eat something and drink, drink, drink!” I told them the little story below and right away they thought some form of heat stroke 🥵 might well be why all this came upon me so very suddenly.
Melanie’s plate |
Here is the story…
Around km 3 or so I started noticing mosquitoes 🦟…it was cloudy, humid, swamps to the side of the trail. Over the next 7 kms or so the mosquitoes went crazy…for those who live in Winnipeg (I LOVE Winnipeg) take Winnipeg’s worst and add add add!
I suppose I should have known about this however I was totally unprepared…I now understand how someone can go crazy. I still had 25kms to walk so had to do something…was preparing to go to the next person’s house wherever that might be and ask if they could spare some bug spray.
Then I thought of my Packa…stopped and accepted that I would go through 5 minutes of hell and voila…
Tilley had to go on top |
The relief was immediate no more bugs…I thought I was brilliant. As the clouds disappeared and the heat increased I kept removing things…first the hood, then unzipped the Packa and finally walking with the arms flapping in the light wind.
I did notice that my t-shirt was absolutely soaked when I first started removing Packa pieces…I should have opened the side vents allowing maybe some mosquitoes in! Honestly without the Packa move I would not have made it!
Dave picked me up…took me to a grocery store and I felt fine. Within a half hour of lying down everything went crazy…
I can recall one other time after golfing in heat when this happened.
Tomorrow…assuming I recover overnight…I will have bug spray courtesy Dave and Melody!
That’s it for today…must get some rest…a few pictures.
This house was previously attached to the Inn. Former house that was here was burned down after someone died of Typhoid (standard practice) so the former owner of the Inn house offered a chunk of his house!
Biffy #4 open! |
Hi Guy,
ReplyDeleteA few comments:
1.) Shower obviously designed by an Architect.
2.) Mosquitoes in Manitoba are worse than anywhere else! The reason being is that when you swat them, they don't die. They merely shake off the blow and come back for more blood.
3.) Starting the outdoor track season a bit slower. No Canadian records for me, as there are some extremely talented people in my age category! Still have a few planned competitions, so maybe later this summer.
4.) I am going to go back through your posts and add a few comments that are relevant to the Post.
5.) Looking forward to our walk in the fall, but I am making notes on possible areas of concern. (e.g. Showers, bugs, colour choices)
6.) Hope you have another great walking day!
Thanks Greg..look forward to the Coast to Coast Walk which will be vastly different than The Island Walk…no doubt much better! As you will see in tomorrow’s post I did not walk today…replanning however not sure what walking is possible until this illness issue is resolved! If I don’t finish the walk I can accept that.
DeleteI was going to comment in another one of your posts, but thought that this is probably a good a place as any ... I was listening to the Radio shortly after reading your post of the topic, when his song came on. I had to laugh and I was wondering why Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band was not on your playlist! Specifically the song "Against the Wind".
ReplyDeleteToo funny Greg…a perfect song which has not been added to my Spotify playlist.