Way too good to pass up…I have been totally outclassed not once but twice in last few days. Blogpost data details and blogpost creative story telling…more later.
However first I must express my deep gratitude and appreciation to so so many of you. On May 3rd after learning of my diagnosis and sharing it with family I proceeded to write a few notes to close friends with whom I had shared my prostate testing. Then on May 5th I published my blogpost.
The many personal messages with such positive vibes, expressing best wishes have been very uplifting and so meaningful...I cannot express how fortunate I felt in those early days. Merci infiniment!
Very early I expressed to a good friend “Damn life sometimes isn’t fair”. That sentiment simply vanished very quickly and as I told my baby sister Pauline (oh that might get me in trouble 🤣) this has absolutely nothing to do with fairness...”It simply is what it is” Proceed to next step - surgery then heal, rest and come back stronger.
Well I did say in my May 5th blogpost "Past experience tells me that surgery recovery time when I can’t be out and about is quite challenging for me...I must and will find an interesting project to work on...open to any suggestions! ☺️”
I did receive a number of suggestions...
"I suspect the biggest challenge for you is going to be surviving the rest & relaxation required. However, think of all the marvellous streaming services, movies, and TV series you’ll be able to watch. Simply watching (or re-watching) all the Marvel superhero movies on the Disney+ service could fill several days.”
Well meaning - Not sure about this one...sitting watching TV for long periods of time may well drive me nuts
"Keeping you in “recovery-mode” while you’re recovering sounds like that will be a challenge - I can recommend cross-stitch, word puzzles, and online games like Wordle, Octordle (wordle x 8 simultaneously), Canuckle, and Canoku (sudoku with Canadian symbols).”
Many good ideas - Pa used to cross stitch and kept telling me I should try it...I will seriously consider this one. Wordle I downloaded some time ago...I see a 6 x 5 matrix for May 15th and I see in first line B _ C _ P. all in green...so I think BICEP...press E and it replaces the B. Now what to do... totally befuddled...Octordle...😱🤣. Sodoku have done however I am sure my granddaughter Rose (9) is way, way, way ahead of my abilities here.
"you asked for suggestions of things to take up post-surgery. If you just read this blogpost every day, you’d have no time for anything else. Failing that, and given that you don’t want RSI to complicate your recovery, you could take up sock knitting. I dare you"
Well this is a very practical piece of advice considering the length of the May 5th blogpost 😉. As to sock knitting hmmm...how does one start knitting as that looks so very complicated. RSI = Repetitive Strain Injury I think?
Nice comments on the May 5th blogpost which made my day
"Entertaining as always - except the graphs which I skip 🥱"
“I’m good with the verbal parts and not so good with the graphs.”
Finally maybe the best positive comments ever received (or did "I dream these up?”) were from my Brazilian walking friend Paulo...republished from the May 5th blogpost where I suspect many may have fallen asleep prior to seeing this ☺️
Me - Paulo I included a few graphs in the spreadsheet...have a quick look...just for the two of us...no point including them in the blogpost as no one is the least bit interested in my interesting analyses
Paulo - No, no, no my friend...do not think such things as I am very sure that everyone really loves these graphs. They are incrível e fantástico and tell quite a compelling story. You MUST include them.
Me - Paulo...really...you must be on some crazy drug from Carlos (local Brazilian drug pusher) to think such nonsense...maybe someone notices the colours or something but they don’t give a hoot about this stuff.
Paulo - You are very wrong and here is why...I know such things...I understand people...you do not my friend! Let me tell you...first I am Brazilian, second I am a lawyer and lastly I am never wrong! Yes most people do not create graphs as a fun pastime...they do other MUCH more meaningful things however they hold you in the highest regard anyway. You are contributing knowledge for fellow walkers the world over.
And please remember my friend the longer your blogpost the better...excellent reading for falling asleep quickly at night.
Me - As my maman would say “Ça pas d’allure ce que tu me dis Paulo”. Ok we can agree on the falling asleep part at least...I will include a few graphs...it’s just what I do 🙂
Funny Comments
Humour always lift spirits...
Some have commented 🤣 about my stats, graphs, analysis etc as being a little 🤣 too detailed...maybe as far as being over the top
Well please meet an outstanding young woman named Sarah Williams founder of Tough Girl Challenges. I throughly enjoy following her Instagram posts toughgirlchallenges.
Her recent 2024 walks include the 3,000+ kms New Zealand North and South Island Te Araroa trek and the Camino 1,000+ kms Via de la Plata walk in Spain. These were completed with very little time between these two walks ... incredible! Her other walks are a who’s who listing of long walks including the 2,100 mile Appalachian Trail in the US.
Background from Sarah William’s website.
My mission is to increase the amount of female role models in the media especially in relation to adventure, physical challenges and exploration.
Tough Girl Challenges serves as a valuable resource for those in search of inspiration, motivation, assistance or guidance for their upcoming adventures or challenges. Explore the blog and discover diverse experiences and achievements of exceptional women from around the globe. Engage with the content through podcasts, vlogs, blog posts and social media updates.
Here is Sarah’s latest post of stats captured from he Via de la Plata walk in Spain. Absolutely amazing stuff...I am in Kindergarten as compared to her PHD stats. Do I even try to up my game 😉🤔?
Greg, please note her favourite snack foods
🥾 ℹ️Total Stats ℹ️ Camino Via de La Plata, Spain 🇪🇸
Join me as I delve into the numbers behind the adventure, offering a glimpse into the practicalities and realities of walking the Camino. Let's dive in!
🥾Walking Days: 31
From: Seville Cathedral
To: Cathedral at Santiago de Compostela
Rest Days: 0
Travel days: 2
🗓️Start date: Wednesday 3rd April 2024
Start time: 11am
🗓️End date: Saturday 4th May 2024
End time: 4.30pm
Number of stamps in Pilgrims Passport:34
🥾Total Km: 1,042
Average daily km: 33
🥾Total Miles: 651
Average daily miles: 20
🦶Total Steps: 1,338,589
Average daily steps: 41,831
⏰Earliest start time: 6.35am - Day 3 Castilblanco de los Arroyos to Almadйn de la Plata
Latest start time: 11am - Day 1 - Seville to Guillena
Earliest end time: 11.50am - Day 8 - El Carrascalejo to Alcuéscar
Latest end time: 6pm - Day 10 - Caceres to Cañaveral
🦶Longest time on feet: Day 10 - 10hrs 40 mins - Caceres to Cañaveral
🦶Shortest day: Day 8 - 4hrs 30 mins. El Carrascalejo to Alcuéscar
🥾Biggest Day: Day 30 - 2nd May. 29 miles, 47.2 km, 60,867 steps. Cea to Silleda.
Average start time: 8.08 am
Average finish time: 3.07 pm
Average walking time: 7hrs
Walking speed: Approx 4.5/5k per hour
💷💶Total Accommodation Costs: £335 / €390
💷💶Average Accommodation Costs: £11 / €13
Private Albergue/Hostal: 8
Municipal Albergue: 24
Room to myself: 3
Cheapest accommodation:€3 - 27th April. Day 25. Lubian.
Most expensive accommodation €40 -26th April. Day 24. Puebla de Sanabria
🍽️Food: FYI - I’m gluten free.
💷💶Total Food Costs: £358 / €417
💷💶Average Food Costs Per day: £11 / €13
🛒Most expensive Food Shop: €58
Pilgrims meals included in accommodation: 2
🍷Glass of wine: 1
Shot of dodgy Liquor: 1
Favourite snack: Snickers & crisps
Travel: 🚗✈️🚎🥾🚕✈️
💷💶Travel Costs: £249 /€290
🎒I needed to pay an extra €110/ £95 Euro for my backpack on the way home - which I wasn’t expecting to have to pay! With out that my travel costs were low….
🚝I caught the train to London £59 - but I got this refunded as it was delayed.
✈️My flight to Spain was £10 and paid with points.
🚕€23 taxi to Santiago airport and that’s it.
So my travel costs out to Spain were £13. (BA Flight & bus into the city)
Return would have been £61 (2 Easyjet flights Santiago - Geneva - Manchester) - but I needed to pay an extra £95 for my luggage.
📲Travel Apps: Buen Camino, Hiiker, booking, EasyJet, Google Maps.
📡📲Communication Device: ZOLEO - connects with your phone to provide seamless global messaging that follows you in and out of mobile network coverage
💷💶Misc costs: £81 / €94 = This was new trainers, pilgrims passport and certificate, plus compeed for blisters and painkillers.
Total Costs:
💷💶Total Costs: £1,045 / €1,216
💷💶Total costs not including travel: £796 / €926
💷💶Average costs per day (31 days walking): £26 / €30
☀️Sunny days: 20
☀️Sunny & hot: 3
🌧️Rainy days: 8 - pretty much all towards the end of the trip
Subjective feeling out of 10 on:
😀Total Enjoyment: 204/310= 66% Enjoyment - I liked that it was less busy, I liked being in the countryside.
😫Total Fatigue average: 120/310= 39% - I’m surprised this wasn’t a lot higher. I felt very fatigued towards the end. Which is probably to be expected as I’d had no rest days.
⛰️Total Ease of terrain: 114/310 = 37% I found the terrain very manageable. The ascents and descents were nothing in comparison to New Zealand.
To make these % more useful, I think it’s interesting to compare this data to the other caminos I’ve walked.
😀Total Enjoyment: 204/310= 66% Enjoyment - slightly lower compared to other caminos. I would put this down to dealing with blisters, poor weather and feeling tired.
Camino Finisterre 93%
Camino Primitivo 83%
Camino Frances 69%
😫Total Fatigue average: 120/310= 39% - the lower the % the less tired I was. Pretty normal and makes sense. I actually thought this would be a lot higher. It felt like I was more tired.
Camino Finisterre 40%
Camino Frances 34%
Camino Primitivo 28% - I felt super good on this camino and was doing big days, and early finishes and lots of rest. This was Sept 2023 - before New Zealand.
⛰️Total Ease of terrain: 37% - It was a longer journey compared to the other caminos
Camino Frances 35% - challenges on the Caminos for me are not the terrain. It’s generally, weather, finding accommodation & dealing with too many people
Camino Primitivo 34%
Camino Finisterre 33%
Let's dive into the highs and lows of the Camino. 🥾⛰️
The Challenges:
🥾Blisters - my Inov8 trainers were too small and caused me massive blisters at the start. I also lost a toe nail on my left foot. I needed to buy a new pair of trainers on day 7. I ended up wearing one of each!
🌧️Weather: was great to start with and then it was rain, cold, wind, rain, cloudy, fog. I’m not a fan of being cold and wet (I can do it - but I don’t enjoy it as much)
📲Youtube: I was trying to create daily shorts and did 9 days. I find it very difficult to produce video content while walking. I will go back to filming on a GoPro and editing the footage later.
🚦Least enjoyable sections: The walk out of Ourense was not pretty. Road, traffic, pollution followed by steep climbs. (Day 29 - 1st May).
✨The Highlights:
🍽️I had 2 pilgrim sit down meals (the food wasn’t the best quality - but I really appreciated it).
I enjoyed the conversation with other people on the trail.
🏔️The mountain views, the wildflowers. It was a really beautiful walk.
🚝I also enjoyed seeing the high speed trains go past and would love to experience that in the future.
🐾Being joined by 2 large white dogs on my final day walking into Santiago.
❤️Favourite Sections: Day 26 & 27 - Lubian - A Gudina - Laza. Stunning mountain views. Wonderful! 🥳
While the statistics offer a glimpse into my journey, they're just numbers.
The true essence of the Camino Via de la Plata lies in the experiences, challenges, and connections forged along the way.
As I reflect on the miles walked and the memories made, I'm grateful for the opportunity to share this adventure with you. Thank you for being a part of it.
#2 Creative Blogposting
I have been called out...maybe even accused of stretching out a story...spinning a yarn however the following blogpost from Camino Forum member Kiwi-Family (Rachael, the Mama of the family) from New Zealand outclasses anything I have done!
A little summary of what I know of Rachael’s background will give you some perspective.
- Traveled as a family for 15 months with her husband Rob when the kids were 2 -14 years. Flew to Singapore and didn’t get on another plane until they came home from Istanbul. Kids turned 3 - 15 years. Self described “Best year of my life! “ How many kids you ask? English - eight, let me repeat that in French - huit, German - acht, Spanish - ocho, Portuguese - oito.
- Many Camino paths including but not limited to the Frances, Via de la Plata, Salvador, Primitivo, Madrid with all sorts of combinations of family members, cobbled routes and even 80 year old Grandpa.
- Home schooled all 8 children
- Now walking solo in a time of self reflection on the Camino Frances at a reduced km pace (hence the graphs) as Rachael nurses an existing achilles injury.
- Sense of humour...how can one not have one having survived the above!
Without further comment here is Rachael’s latest blogpost...quite the creative storytelling twist...note my graphs and a few past blogposts are mentioned. ☺️. Someday have to make it to New Zealand (YES Jeanne... my middle daughter who spent 7 1/2 months there and will rub it in gleefully if given the chance...I will somehow get there! 😉) and pay Rachael and family a friendly visit.
15 May connected even when off Camino
Rachael |

Photos are displaying strangely on the blog, but at least all the info you need to see on those two screenshots of my phone^^ is clear!! (in case you can’t see it, someone very dear to me, who suggested I get a private room so I could rest, rang me at 5am and again at 7am, and both times I was asleep!)
Seeing as I’m awake and have five hours until I need to check out, I’ll write today’s blogpost!….
It all started over a raincoat.
There was this guy I had been following online (as you do) (following, not stalking, mind). He kept an interesting walking blog…went a bit overboard on the data analysis at times, but the engaging writing well and truly made up for that. He could make a story out of nothing! You think I’m exaggerating? He was going to walk the Primitivo when Covid hit, and so he completed the entire walk in his own Canadian back yard…and blogged every stage. You’d think there’s only so much to say about walking circles in your garden for three weeks, but, as I say, he can make a story out of nothing.
You’re wondering what that has to do with a raincoat, right? Well this guy (who is actually called Guy) put out a call on the Camino Forum, where I had first come across him, for advice about rainwear. I waxed eloquently about my own choice, the Packa, and you know what? He listened to me. That made him a firm friend! Things got off to a bit of a tricky start though when his Packa arrived in the mail and he tried to use it. Honestly, just between you and me, I don’t know what he found so difficult, but he made a whole video of himself trying to put the e*x*p*l*e*t*i*v*e thing on and it really did look hard, if not impossible. I implored him to practise as the benefits of mastery would far outweigh any momentary trouble…although in his case, I did start to wonder.
And YOU are wondering what that has got to do with my Camino.
It’s just setting the stage for today’s blogpost.
You see, this guy, Guy, got some rubbish news nearly two weeks ago. Prostate cancer. He’s written about it here and gave me permission to say whatever I like about him. Silly him!!
Since then we’ve been messaging back and forth a bit and having a few laughs. Mostly about his data analysis. And haemorrhoids. Guy comment: NOTE sorry Rachael…not mine as I have enough problems already…thank you!
But at one point he said I really needed some graphs on my blog. Actually, he was far less bossy than that:
My apologies meant to say “a graph or two would be welcome for your next blogpost” 😂
When I said I’d see what I could rustle up….
Well that really would be a shame I think if you spent time creating a graph as your time is much more valuable exploring, talking to other pilgrims, family members etc. I on the other hand can’t help myself as it’s too much fun….and it will get worse during surgery recovery. 🤣
At this point in the conversation I had my own tooth treatment and associated recovery time to look forward to, and anticipated graph making might be a fun way to while away my time, although, as I pointed out to him, I had no idea how to do it on my phone.
This guy, Guy, needed no further invitation
Well you could always send me the data that you desperately want graphed…I volunteer to do so…save in jpeg form and send back you 😂
Ideas on a per day basis…kms walked, stork pictures, maybe interesting doors…great conversations with others etc etc. I would think coffee per day would be a mite boring considering 1 coffee for past 30 years!
And in my own post-treatment-euphoria, I sent him some numbers.
Even before my anaesthetic had totally worn off, there were four graphs in my inbox and a full analysis of the numbers accompanying them that made me laugh out loud. Literally.
There was also some advice
In fact if they [the graphs] find their way in your blog it is critical that you distance yourself from this nonsense I created 😊.
Done. Now you know why I told you so much about this guy, Guy.
{Note: all Guy’s number notes are in bold so they are easy to find - or avoid, depending on your preference}
Graph 1 - Weekly Max Goal vs Actual Walking
Two graphs 1st including to July 1st…2nd to May 6
- Bar chart is Actual with Camino in Red (april 8th start)
- Line chart is Max Goal
All was very close heading into the Camino walk…now as you have indicated in recent blogposts Camino Walking is starting to stretch above pre established Max Goals

But he didn’t stop there. He couldn’t help himself. He made it all cumulative - something which I subsequently pointed out to him I was never going to do, as it’s only getting worse as I go on, so why would I want to highlight that? Incidentally, I think he’s sending a subliminal message by putting my walked-too-far-weeks in red. Hard not to agree, right?
Graph 2 - Cumulative Max Goals vs Actual Goals
- Same story as Graph 1 for info as of May 6th week Cumulative Max Goals

And he didn’t stop there, either!
A little analysis:
- As of April 1st week Max Goals was 470 kms vs Actual 466 kms
- As of May 9th week Max Goals was 820 kms vs Actual 866 kms Guy comment NOTE: these were switched around for Rachael’s blogpost...I revised them here...geez hopefully not to many of Rachael’s followers will give her grief over this!!
So for Camino Walking Max Goals to date were 350 kms vs Actual 430 kms or 22.9% higher
Guy: comment NOTE: Rachael all is not lost as there is a way to avoid “it’s only getting worse as I go on” and that is to slow it down as you guessed I was getting at ☺️. Here is the math...You have 962 kms left in your cumulative Max Goal (kms) to reach 1,782 (kms). You have only 886 kms left in Actual walking kms to reach 1,782 (kms). So if you modify your Max Goal (kms) by 92.1% you will get there!
I have taken the liberty to work this out for you as shown below ☺️ 🤣. Max Goal (kms) is the first number, Actual Goal (kms) is the second number in ( ). As my granddaughter Elodie would say “Easy Peasy” 😉
- Week of 20-May-24 95 (87)
- Week of 1-Jul-24 158 (146)
Your Weekly graphs and Cumulative Graphs would look like the following with May 13, 2024 weeks+ in purple
So even on my days off the Camino, staying in a wee room away from pilgrims, I have felt connected to the Camino in the same kind of special way as if I were walking.
Thanks Guy, you’re a great guy!
PS This post is written by 9:30am. Clearly it does not include what is going to actually happen today. As I will be taking a late-ish bus back to Castrojeriz, I may not get to do a post until tomorrow morningwhile I wait for the museum to open. Then tomorrow evening I’ll be at San Nicolas without electricity or cell reception, so what-has-become-my-standard-posting-schedule is going to be disrupted for a couple of days.
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