Full disclosure...here is the March 7, 2023 timeline... a day to remember:
- 9:10 am received email from Ryota which included Japanese Documentary Link
- 9:40 am or so opened email and promptly sent WhatsApp message to Paulo “received link...did you?” secretly hoping that Paulo had NOT received anything ☺️
- 1:55 pm Paulo - “I don’t have it »
- 2:23 pm My reply - “Ah too bad...will let you know in a day or so IF you are in it...”
- 3:00 pm on…Paulo sent a couple of pathetic pleading WhatsApp messages and then at 3:31 pm “Please!!!!! Send me the link!!” Young people today soooo demanding…why can’t they be patient like older worldly and wise folks π
- 3:32 pm My reply - “Will send later today”
- 6:48 pm I published Blog and then at 6:49 pm started watching the Japanese Documentary totally contradicting what I had just said in my Blog π
- 8:35 pm I relented and sent info to Paulo who apparently watched the Documentary during the middle of the night as per his subsequent WhatsApp messages.
A question I have been pondering π€ Did I make the commitment to send link to Paulo because I was dying to see the Documentary and knew instinctively that sending it Paulo would seal the deal. No way was he going to watch it first OR was I simply being a nice guy in sending the link to Paulo...I then decided I might as well watch it that day...needed something to do...whatever!
Ok so here is the scoop on the Japanese Documentary.
What met or exceeded expectations
Simply an outstanding visual documentary...great story telling...as much as I could make out given the 90% Japanese content was really well done and in some cases very touching.
I have confirmed with Ryota that they do not wish to have the Japanese Documentary video uploaded online. Shown below are screen shots from the documentary. The documentary will be available on a video online demand service however you can only view it in Japan π―π΅ So…if after reading this post you wish to see the Japanese Documentary just let me know and a private viewing will be arranged at the earliest opportunity. π.
As it turns out this Japanese Documentary is the 3rd and final 60 minute segment focused on the Camino San Salvador and the Camino Primitivo routes which are the two Caminos I walked in Oct 2022. The first instalment was the Camino Mozarabe from Almeria to Merida. The second instalment was the Via de la Plata from Merida to Astorga. In total the 3 instalments total ~ 1,500 kms.
Here are a few Documentary snapshots...amazing scenery...which I remember well... on the Camino San Salvador and Primitivo routes.
Considerable Documentary time was spend talking to two pelegrinas…32 year old Ukrainian and another young woman from Russia who now lives in Ukraine πΊπ¦.
Both discussions were challenging π₯ as some very frank, difficult information and ideas were shared. In particular the pelegrina from Russia spoke openly about her parents living in Russia whom she does not expect to see in the near future and possibly ever again.
At the end in the plaza in Santiago de Compostela the pelegrina from Russia spoke about how the walk impacted her providing her with an inner sense of peace ☮️.
Watching the Japanese Documentary also evoked strong personal meaningful memories...
Arriving in Santiago de Compostela plaza pilgrim walkers from all over the world gather after completing their respective Camino walks. All have worked very hard to get there...often struggling through injury...personal doubts about their abilities to complete the walk...weather issues etc. however the overriding feeling is one of absolute joy no matter where one started from.
Santiago de Compostela Cathedral
Botafumeiro Swinging |
I have been very fortunate arriving in Santiago de Compostela 3 separate times and each time the Botafumeiro has swung. It swings on a dozen religious holidays each year or when someone pays 400 Euros.
The first time was in 2014 on day 85 of the eventual 88 day Camino long walk (3 separate trips). A lot had happened over that time...health adversity overcome...long walking days...challenging weather...incredible joys...friendships made. I watched it with Marc (brother), Paulo (Brazil) and Cyrille (France). Quite simply a very emotional experience...tears just flowed...I was overcome...
The next 2 times were in 2018 and 2022 both times with Paulo. No tears however again watching the Botafumeiro was an incredible experience.
Typical Pilgrim hugging in plaza |
A very common scene in the Plaza after pilgrims finish their walks. NO Marg I have never hugged someone in the plaza!
A little diversion...in 2022 we went back to Winnipeg our home town. Early in the visit I saw my niece and gave her my best hug. This set off quite a chain of events...my niece later told my sister Pauline “Oncle Guy just gave me the most awkward hug ever! But don’t tell him I said this!”. I expect Pauline waited 15 seconds (we share this trait of not being to contain ourselves when something funny just happened) and texted me with the reassuring info π³ concerning my “hugging” abilities.
Oh man...over the next couple of days I was meeting some good friends, family members etc...hugs for sure would be delivered. A lot of pressure on me π€£...I reflected on this and really really tried to up my “hugging game”. Hopefully the hugs were good enough...they were genuine...they had to be better than the niece hug. I think...hope π³
Finisterre - End of Long Walk 2014 |
This is actually Muxia which is a days walk from Finisterre however the view is the same and it evoked very strong memories. Arriving in Finisterre on Day 88 of the long 2,600 km walk was a very special time.
Marc and I left early...Cyrille as usual was a little slow...une veritable tortue... to get started in the morning π€£ and Marc and I walked strongly as we knew we had a 38 km day ahead of us. A clear memory is cresting a small hill and then the Atlantic ocean was straight ahead...a beach to the right and off in the distance the Finisterre lighthouse! Walking on that beach was incredible...every step closer to the end. Finistere in Christopher Columbus times was considered “the end of the earth” hence the name.
Marc as usual was well ahead of me...strongest walker I have ever seen...yet maybe a couple of hundred meters from the Finisterre lighthouse and Km 0 marker he stopped...Marc turned to me...and said “Guy go ahead of me...finish it”. A real classy move...one which seems like it happened yesterday.
Japanese Documentary - our staring roles!
Ok I have dithered long enough...buckle up...grab your favourite beverage...prepare yourself for a wild and incredible/unexpected finish to the Japanese Documentary saga!
Holy smokes at 1:22 (total Documentary just over 59 minutes) Paulo is on the screen talking! What a lightning fast start! π Paulo handled himself very well...as you would expect from a lawyer...I would even go so far as to say he looked and sounded quite good. The baseball hat I believe was a gift from his daughter.
At 1:27 or 6 seconds later his speaking role was finished as a voice was heard “mine” saying something like “I don’t agree with that”...Paulo had been trying to say something about the changes Covid had brought to the Camino experience,
In looking at the Documentary I do feel somewhat badly speaking up when I did...perhaps I was still reeling from the fact that 5 minutes earlier Paulo had walked arm in arm down the hill in Campiello with Patricia and the Japanese Documentary pilgrim...clearly trying to edge me out of the Japanese Documentary. Maybe I just wanted to ensure I would have my chance to speak...whatever...sorry Paulo I am sure you would have had an additional second or two speaking time had I been silent. π₯².
At 1:28 or so I had my say...OMG what a show I put on... First the debonair look that I visualized for myself simply did not seem to translate well on camera. The combination of Tilley hat, Clooney glasses, a bit π³ of a scruffy beard π€£ and the white lanyard around my neck holding my money belt...is simply... well... not a good look.π.
Ok maybe not a great look however what about my insightful comments? Weeellllll...I am not actually sure what I said or was trying to say...and I have listened to what I said multiple times. I really should have rehearsed my little speech ahead of time...but in my defence...I was asked many questions in the interview.
However the most challenging part was the HANDS... No one has ever told me that I talk with my hands! Twice in the short time period I spoke I raised both hands to emphasize a point. Quite simply it looks really odd..well to be truthful it looks totally and utterly ridiculous. Had I known I do this earlier in life maybe I could have sought intensive treatment or something to break this habit.
At 1:39 or 12 seconds later my speaking role was finished. Twice Paulo’s allowed time however a little shy of expected however a full 58 minutes of Japanese Documentary was ahead...just getting started!
I have subsequently learned from Ryota that the orange boxes shown in the Documentary when Paulo and I are speaking are meant to demonstrate that people of different countries and different generations can and do walk together on the Camino pilgrimage routes. Paulo proud to be the old geezer walking with you π€£π. Oh that is funny!
At 2:45 Patricia, whom Paulo and I had recognized was going to be the star of the Documentary, made the first of her 8 separate appearances totalling 6:15 (minutes, seconds!)
Patricia spoke very well about many aspects of the Camino “Glad and fortunate to have the opportunity to walk”...something I think about many times. “Have the people of the Ukraine in my thoughts”. Patricia whom Paulo and I had met and walked with for a period of time was clearly a well deserving Camino star...very thoughtful person.
Patricia from the United States |
At 11:52 John and Carmel from Ireland were seen walking strongly looking like the Camino veterans that they are. I could almost hear Carmel say to John “John stand tall...buck up...Japanese Documentary film crew ahead...we are about to be in the Documentary that Guy will be starring in and that Paulo may have a small role if he is lucky"
John and Carmel from Ireland |
Ok so at this point we are about 20% through the Japanese Documentary film and I was starting to get a little nervous about the progress to date... for me (12 seconds) and Paulo as expected (6 seconds). Surely other scenes would be in the Documentary...I mean they had to be...otherwise why did we sit for a 20 - 30 minute interview...why did I send all those pictures...etc etc. No problem stay cool all will be good!
In earlier posts I went out on a limb and made the following predictions about what I thought might happen. In RED are final outcomes
"There are 3 possible scenes where Paulo and/or I could be in the film
1) Tineo - Camera crew filming Patricia and Japanese Pilgrim (he was in all 3 2020 documentaries) walking down the street. Cameras turned to me sitting in an outside patio while “Buen Camino’ was shouted to me.
Chances of being included - Rate as Medium
Not shown...nada, rien, nothing, nichts, faic
2) Sit down interview with Paulo and me - Maybe half hour in length answering various questions individually.
Chances of being included (in part only) - Rate as High
Guy - 12 seconds, Paulo - 6 seconds
3) Paulo cresting the hill coming into Campiello with Patricia and Japanese Pilgrim - Essentially 3 Amigos arm in arm.
Chances of being included - Rate as a Certainty...no question as this scene is priceless
Not shown...nada, rien, nothing, nichts, faic
So I must just calmly wait...I will let you in on what I secretly hope will happen. Wait is over nada, rien, nothing nights, faic
Scene 1) not used, 2) used but only when Paulo speaks and 3) used in documentary. In other words I am 100% shut out! If this happens I will have one of the best laughs ever and an amazing story to tell!!! It would be priceless..." Came pretty close to a shutout!
Once the shock wore off...I did have one of my best laughs ever...and have been chuckling ever since!
"Thinking about this further I am really warming up to the 3rd possibility...maybe this was the real reason for the Japanese Documentary experience. I will have to play this a little cool though...wait for the documentary and see how much airtime I have. Let’s say it’s between 5 seconds or 5 minutes...not to get too optimistic say 4:55 (minutes and seconds!) total."
Well I was in the range 12 seconds is a little closer to 5 seconds than 5 minutes but still a victory!
Was all the fuss worth it?
Without any question a resounding YES! Every post, every comment, every laugh...all worth it! A great Documentary which I would never have seen...an albeit minor role (12 seconds or .33% of the total documentary length). Well have YOU been in a Japanese Camino Documentary...I don’t think so! Paulo, John, Carmel, Patricia and I have...amazing!
It’s possible that I do not have a future as a documentary/film star...I am willing to accept that and move on to other possibilities.
I may not remember a lot of details however some people, moments and events are unforgettable...the Japanese Documentary experience will clearly be one of these!
So that’s a wrap...the final chapter...no more comments on the Japanese Documentary...here are excerpts from a final email sent to Ryota (my Japanese friend).
"Hi Ryota,
Thanks for your quick response. We (Paulo and I ) will fully respect your requirements to not post the video online…we understand.
I watched the documentary video yesterday and it is beautifully done. I do have a couple of quick questions if you don’t mind.
In closing many thanks for allowing us to participate and see the Japanese Documentary…much appreciated.
I am sure you likely have future projects in mind…possibly you would be interested in the Trans Bhutan Trail an absolutely incredible Pilgrim trail recently reopened in Bhutan.
Should you ever need a volunteer non Japanese speaking Pilgrim to walk the Trans Bhutan Trail I am certainly interested. π.
All the best,
Guy Arbez”
I subsequently received a nice reply thanking me for my suggestion of the Trans Bhutan Trail as the Japanese team hopes to make another Camino documentary in the future. Japanese have to be the most polite people ever.
Is this really the end of this story? π€£ Well one could read into the response received that I have no hope whatsoever of a freebie Trans Bhutan Walk and I should start buying Lotto tickets immediately.
However life does not go in a straight line...sometimes “Improbable things can and do happen!" ☺️
On to the wild and crazy walk around PEI Canada!
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