Yes you read that correctly Planning Mini Series Part 1π. Now what possessed me to even think about a planning mini series?
Well it’s fairly easy…I am retired…within reason am flexible to choose what I want to do…have time…need to keep thinking about things and simply thought it would be fun to do!
If as a result of this mini series I lose all blog subscribers that would be a bit sad however there will always be at least one subscriber…ME! π If due to the mini series someone learns something, laughs or even cracks a smile that’s all I am looking for. Also it keeps me moving forward for the next adventure. Simple objectives!
So here is a rough outline of the mini series topics. They will be published as the spirit dictates…
Part 1 - High Level Planning
Part 2 - Historical and 2022 Camino pilgrim statistics
Part 3 - Physical & Mental Preparation
Part 4 - Clothing
Part 5 - Equipment
Part 6 - Electronics
Part 7 - Weather Rain/Snow/Hail/Heat Preparation
Part 8 - Dangerous Animals
Paulo who will walk the Camino Primitivo and Cyrille the Camino Salvador are somewhat aware of these plans I am making π€£π. Georges (Belgium Pilgrim) has indicated that he doubts he will be able to join Cyrille and me on the 5 day Camino Salvador (could be 4 days with a little extra effort). Georges is busy selling walking shoes at Decathlon and providing training walks for future Camino Pilgrims which is great.
I strongly suspect however that Georges, who simply wants/needs to get out and walk is deep down considering joining us...I am sure of it. As Cyrille says "you only live once...and Papi (me) needs careful guidance".
Part 1 - High Level Planning
Ok I like to plan and in the past this has π€ gotten away on me a few/many times. The most famous was a 3 week trip to San Francisco with Dawn. I was a little too excited and spent considerable effort planning various little/long walks…entered them on a spreadsheet with tentative dates and…wait for it…went to Staples and laminated 2 copies…you know in case it rains π. Not my finest moment…likely in my top 3 dumbest moves ever…a learning experience!
For Camino walks my planning is still extensive however it focuses on route planning, equipment, clothing and travel logistics. I no longer spend time on what I should see and do…I am simply walking and am open to seeing whatever catches my fancy.
In the past cathedrals, museums etc were must sees…no more. Seen enough of both of them…sure cathedrals are beautiful however I always leave wondering “who paid the price, who did without to accumulate these riches?”. As to museums…well it’s all old stuff and I’d rather be exploring outside looking for a cafe, patisserie, ice cream or best of all chocolate shop. Oh and a cerveza is always welcome!
It’s the small unexpected places and experiences that I always remember …here is an example…an excerpt from my blog
Day 51 - Via Podiensis (Oct 29, 2013) - Castelnau-sur-l’Auvignon to Montreal du Gers
The highlight of the day was lunch where Georges and I left the GR65 and walked for a few hundred meters to la Chapelle Rouget. There we took two rickety chairs from la Chapelle, placed them at the edge of the terrace graveyard and ate overdoing a huge vineyard in a valley. It was sunny and a great rest.
Chapelle Rouget
Lunch spot |
As mentioned in previous posts I handed out a couple of thousand Canadian Lapel Pins resulting in memorable unplanned experiences…here are 3 of my favourites!_____________________________________________________________________________________
Via Jacobi (August 14, 2013) - Day 14 Billens to Vucherens
Sometime this morning I came through a village (most have no posted names) and there was a fork in the road with no signs. A very elderly gentlemen who was trying to weed said "par la". I thanked him and gave him a Canadian lapel pin. He looked at it and "pourquoi ca"... "Why that". I told him it was a small thanks but I could tell he was unimpressed.
I left chuckling to myself for a few minutes as I could almost hear "what am I going to do which this...I'm 94 years old!" Perhaps he chucked it...but he is right at some point we have to stop accumulating stuff (Pauline!)
Via Gebennensis (September 28, 2013) - Day 21 Frangy to Motz
Hot chocolate sure tasted great! After breakfast I gave Mme. Lupin, the auberge owner, 3 lapel pins as she had a few other employees. Well here is the ensuing conversation...first her daughter spent the fall semester as an exchange student in Matane Quebec. I mentioned that one of my daughters, Claire, had completed a similar exchange in Troyes France while in University...Mme Lupin was quite familiar with city of Troyes.
Mme Lupin asked me where I was from in Canada...when I told her it turns out that 3 weeks ago a couple from my home town spent 1 week at her Auberge. They were cycling in the region and it was their 12th trip to France to cycle! Scott you must make the trip!
I mentioned that two of our daughters, Lise and Jeanne, were currently working in Japan. Well last spring Mme Lupin and her husband went to Japan...told her that Dawn and I had visited Japan in the fall of 2012.
This conversation started with 3 small plastic Canadian lapel pins.
And then I received this incredible comment posted on the Blog…from our family lawyer Kristen in Winnipeg!
Hi Guy - those cyclists who stayed at Mme Lupin's? That was me and my husband Wayne - as soon as I saw your photo of breakfast I knew where you were. Her fig jam was particularly good. Good walking on the rest of your trip.
Via Podiensis (October 18, 2013) - Day 40 Conques to Livinhac le Haut
At some point I met Jean-Pierre from Perpigan who went into the history of this region of France and Spain where 6 million people live and are seeking independence. I gave him a Canadian lapel pin...he was super delighted! Shortly thereafter he was on the phone to his daughter and apparently she had asked Jean-Pierre if I had a spare peenz...sure I have lots!
Jean-Pierre then asked if I would speak to his daughter as she wanted to thank me...must have been a 5 minute thank you that seemed to go on forever...again really excited over this momentous gift!
In the hallway I had 3 or 4 pilgrims approach me and ask if I was the Canadian giving away lapel pins...they wanted one which of course they received. Now I have an inkling of what rock stars must feel like...I was a celebrity on the Le Puy pilgrimage route!
Camino Planning has it’s challenges…mine are legendary!
2013 - Camino Long Walk planned from Rorschach Switzerland to Finisterre Spain
Camino Long Walk Route |
Planned Roundtrip Flights to Europe - 1
Actual Roundtrip Flights to Europe - 3
Planned Walking Days - 95
Actual Walking Days - 88
Planned Rest Days While Walking - 5
Actual Rest Days While Walking - 2
Planned Rest Days in Winnipeg - 0
Actual Rest Days in Winnipeg - 204
Planned Total Walking Distance - 2,403 kms
Actual Total Walking Distance - ~2,600 kms
Planned Average Walking Day - 25.3 kms
Actual Average Walking Day - 28.4 kms
Reason for minor ππ discrepancies above
Day 17 one day out of Geneva Switzerland noticed countless tiny black dots in my right eye. Googled…likely retina problem. Contacted Medex (not sure what it is called today) emergency health plan and within a couple of hours was in University of Geneva ophthalmology department.
Diagnosis partially detached retina…either get home within 24 hours for surgical procedure or take my chances in Switzerland. Through Medex, major help from the home front managed to get home in time, had bubble insertion procedure and was ordered to spend next 5 days lying on my right side (could get up maximum of 10 minutes per hour).
Returned to ophthalmologist week later…procedure a success however a retinal tear required immediate laser surgery.
Few days later ophthalmologist indicated all was well.
I then asked “Guess I am done for in terms of long distance backpacking ππ₯²” Then amongst the most beautiful words I have ever heard “No has NOTHING to do with your walking…you are near sighted and OLD (56)…go ahead do what you want to do…be aware of symptoms.”
3 weeks or so later I was back in Switzerland to walk over 1,000 kms to St. Jean Pied de Port!
A few years later the left eye had the same problem…this time I was in Winnipeg! Same procedure…5 days on left side! Upon seeing the ophthalmologist asked him about chances this could reoccur. “Well the chances of a problem decrease very significantly shortly after the procedures and given you only have two eyes you are likely good π forever”
Phew π
one less potential issue in the future π!
2018 - Camino Portuguese Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela
Planned Roundtrip Flights to Europe - 1
Actual Roundtrip Flights to Europe - 1
Planned Walking Days - 21
Actual Walking Days - 17
Planned Rest Days While Walking - 0
Actual Rest Days While Walking - 4
Planned Total Walking Distance - 619 kms
Actual Total Walking Distance - ~400 kms
Planned Average Walking Day - 29.5 kms
Actual Average Walking Day - 23.5 kms
Reason for minor ππ discrepancies above
So many factors at play however can be summed up as overconfidence, poor equipment planning, injury sustained prior to leaving, incredible rain π§ and most of REALLY DUMB decision on my part…no excuses!
Prior to leaving fell hard while ice skating…had not done that in quite a few years…tried a triple axle jump…ok tried to stop and fell badly on my hip/tailbone. Physio helped however….
Planned very long distances as Portuguese Camino is flat..100 kms in a little over 3 days. However in those first 3 days it rained > 250mm…never have I been so wet!
Left home with new Merrill Moab hiking shoes…little break in required however I had not noticed they were wide width resulting in foot movement…in wet socks!
Socks (3 pairs) were the same ones I walked 2,600 kms in previously on Camino Long Walk…now that is simply not smart!
Massive blisters formed on the balls of both feet and then the worst mistake of all…I slapped on Compeed blister bandages on both feet! Nothing wrong with Compeed blister bandages if used properly ie on de roofed (drained) blisters. What I did was to ensure the blisters would not heal and I was then walking on fully formed blisters.
Second time had to leave Camino…obtain medical treatment in Porto. Doctor ordered 4 days bed rest and then made my way hobbling somewhat on tender feet to Santiago de Compostela!
2020 - Camino Primitivo Oviedo to Santiago de Compostela
Planned Roundtrip Flights to Europe - 1
Actual Roundtrip Flights to Europe - 0
Planned Walking Days - 13
Actual Walking Days - 0 (12 days on Toronto alternate)
Planned Rest Days While Walking - 0
Actual Rest Days While Walking - 0
Planned Total Walking Distance - 310 kms
Actual Total Walking Distance - ~0 kms (310 kms on 29ft backyard deck > 30,000 back and forths)
Planned Average Walking Day - 23.8 kms
Actual Average Walking Day - 25.3 kms
Reason for minor ππ discrepancies above
“He Who Shall not be named”!!! Made decision to walk the Alternate Camino Primitivo in Toronto!
2022 - Camino Primitivo Oviedo to Santiago de Compostela and Camino Salvador Leon to Oviedo
Planned Roundtrip Flights to Europe - 1
Projected Roundtrip Flights to Europe - 1
Planned Walking Days - 12 (Primitivo), 5 (Salvador)
Projected Walking Days - 12 (Primitivo), 5 (Salvador)
Planned Rest Days While Walking - 2
Projected Rest Days While Walking - 2
Planned Total Walking Distance - 310 kms (Primitivo) , 120 kms (Salvador)
Projected Total Walking Distance - 310 kms (Primitivo), 120 kms (Salvador)
Planned Average Walking Day - 25.1 kms
Actual Average Walking Day - 25.1 kms
Reason for minor ππ discrepancies above
None! One must always live in hope! Really what can possibly go wrong! π
Travel Logistics
Sep 14 - Direct flight Toronto to Madrid BOOKING COMPLETE
Sep 15 - after meeting Paulo in airport Iberia flight to Asturias airport BOOKING COMPLETE
Sep 15 - Asturias airport to Oviedo either Alsa bus arriving 22:00 or 23:15 or taxi
Sep 16 - Camino Primitivo walking begins!
Sep 29 - Santiago de Compostela to Leon either Renfe train arriving 13:02 or Alsa bus arriving 14:00 or 20:50
Sep 30 - Camino Salvador walking begins
Oct 4 - Oviedo to Madrid. Alsa bus arriving at
Madrid airport 4:30 am Oct 5
Oct 5 - Direct flight Madrid to Toronto mid day
Route logistics
Spreadsheet created from Buen Camino website outlining all villages/towns/cities along both routes. Kms between locations, Ascent/descent in meters all noted with the latter being extremely important in route planning. A 30 km walk with minimum elevation gain/loss can well be the equivalent of a 20 km walk with 1,000 meters elevation gain/loss.
Accommodation choices noted for each location on the route.
Considerable effort taken to map out daily stages on distance, accommodation choices, guidebook recommendations and most importantly comments from from fellow Camino Forum members who have practical experience.
Making the right choices are critical…tired, sometimes grumpy, maybe wet…at a stage in life where luxury is not
the objective but a reasonable level of comfort is.
Very detailed spreadsheet created mapping out various choices for each location. Gronze is the gold standard website for accommodation information outlining location, type, phone numbers, website and most importantly past pilgrim ratings!
To this I have added ratings where applicable.
There are many accommodation choices ranging from Albergues with many sleeping in the same room to Pensions, Hotels, Casa Rurales etc.
On the Primitivo Paulo and I have decided we will share a private room both for COVID reasons and past experiences ie lack of sleep. A few examples are noted below from the blog. Will do the same with Cyrille on the Camino Salvador.
Paulo and I booked the entire Camino Portuguese in advance in 2018 and then had to cancel/rebook so in 2020 decided to book a day or so in advance…however…I can’t help myself π³
Santiago de Compostela booked as we want to stay at the Hospederia de Pinero and first two nights booked in Oviedo and Grado. Then…as I saw the pilgrim numbers rising…demand on private accommodation increasing I have slowly added a few more locations well on only 5 more ππ.
All have reasonable cancellation policies…by July month end I may well have booked the 12 day Camino Primitivo! Some pilgrims like to simply walk and see where they end up that day…prefer having an objective…knowing a bed awaits and walk accordingly based on objective π
A few examples as to why shared accommodation can sometimes be challenging!
Camino Frances (April 22, 2014) - Day 60 Roncesvalles to Larrasoana
Sleeping last night was a joke! In our called the SNORING/COUGHING A LUNG wing there were about 40 of us. Paulo slept in the bunk just under Mr. Special after which the wing is now named. Marc claimed he did not sleep...I slept off and on...Mike across from me slept a bit...Paulo considered leaving the building. You get the picture...impossible noise levels through the whole night...oh my this is going to be a long Camino if we don't sleep! More later!
Coming into Larrasoana we went straight to municipal Albergue...I had heard this was not the best and should be avoided but we knew better.Wrong! The room was really cramped, the bed sheets were rubber (very cold and slimy to the touch)...shower facilities poor etc. the place simply was...well...terrible... yet we were staying UNTIL I SAW MR SNORING/COUGHING UP A LUNG walk in. Unbelievable...Paulo and I had the same unspoken thought...we can't stay he chose the top bunk over Paulo. Too funny!
Within minutes we were at the front door of Pension Tau...a super nice place. Paulo did an amazing job involving a half dozen Por Favors (please) and voila we had a room with a cot rolled in...cozy! We will be eating supper, breakfast, have super nice washroom facilities plus get our clothes washed for 35€ about hitting the jackpot!
We later became pilgrim friends of sorts with Giuseppe of Italy…champion snorer!
Via Podiensis (November 3, 2013) - Day 56 Arthez-de-Bearn to Navarrenx
Last night was interesting, challenging...weird and funny as there were 5 of us in a dorm room...Anna, Georges, Cyrille, Jean-Michel and me.
I quickly fell asleep however at 11:30 or so Jean-Michel starting snoring loudly, making all kinds of noise and madly flailing his arms. He had warned us that this could happen. Cyrille cried out "Pas croyable!"...apparently I say this frequently. We all burst out laughing...I dozed for a while but the noise continued. During all this time Jean-Michel slept through it all.
Cyrille in total frustration took all his stuff and went downstairs to sleep on a sofa. Last time I looked at my watch it was 2:30...woke up at 6:30 and simply started to get ready.
That’s a rap for High Level Planning…up next in this Award winning series Part 2 Historical and 2022 Camino Pilgrim Statistics
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