Monday, 30 March 2020

Camino Primitivo Alternate Route (March 30, 2020) - Day 4 Tineo to Pola de Allende

Well a fairly low key day today as I walked 26.1 kms. The terrain contrary to the guide book I have read seemed surprisingly flat...either that or I am simply hallucinating as I walk. The published elevation gains for the day are 837 meters and elevation losses 959 meters...didn't feel it!

I woke up at 4:45 am and was out the door at 5:00 am...the weather was great for the first 2 hours and then it started to rain again...ugh!

At 8:45 am I left the Camino trail as two special pilgrims were about to join us for the day. Some pictures / video from a typical day.

Rearranging the apartment
Rearranging the apartment

Creative game playing

Decorating cookies

At 3:45 pm I was back out on the trail for a couple of hours to complete the day. To date I have covered 98.7 kms and overshot my intended stop Pola de Allande once again by 4.1 kms. Here is my park bench for the night!
Park bench for the night's sleep!

So far no blisters...slight strain in the back of the right knee which I will need to pay attention to over the coming days...could it be caused by the repetitive turning after walking 29 feet?

One oddity of walking this special Camino is seeing the same people day after day...for the 4th day in a row this guy walking his large dog holding a big orange ball passed by. Now he kind of gives me a quick sideways look however I can tell he is very embarrassed because of the ridiculous orange ball he lugs around. That's ok people are entitled to their quirky behaviour...meanwhile I have to get back to the walking...13 paces turn...13 paces turn...grass is wet at lower elevations so must stay at higher elevation i.e. the deck...i.e not quirky at all!

One of the many benefits of walking this alternate Camino Primitivo route is hearing from numerous people that I haven't heard from for quite a while. One example was an email from Carol & Leonard long time friends who are currently vacationing for 3 years in the Caribbean (Leonard is an Actuary and we all know they pretend to work!).

The title of Carol's email was English Channel 2020...turns out Leonard has been inspired...he has always wanted to swim the English Channel so he has decided to swim lengths in a backyard pool (see below). I understand Day 1 he swam 4 lengths of the pool...great start Leonard but be careful and don't overdo it! Copycat!
Leonard in pretend English Channel swim!

Now some of you will have noticed that the title of the emails you receive refers to 2018 Camino Portuguese...sorry I can't figure out how to change this! If only I was around System Architects again...I know a few of them read the blog and they could figure this out in milliseconds. These folks are incredibly smart...and can draw amazing pictures that no one can or would even want to understand! I won't name's not fair...Cal/Greg.

Wild Animals

I suspect a few of you think I exaggerate the wild animals angle a bit...well take a quick read of this excerpt from a recent Narcity article!!!! Terrifying!

Wild Animals Are Roaming Toronto’s Streets While All The Humans Stay Home 

Deer, foxes and coyotes have all been seen wandering the streets.

Since Toronto has declared a state of emergency, streets have been quieter as many residents practice social distancing. Now that humans are staying home, it appears that wild animals are popping up on sidewalks and public spaces across the city. Some of Toronto's wild animal sightings have been happening in the middle of the day and on residential streets.

In the past weeks, social media users have been posting their pictures and videos online of coyotes walking around in broad daylight. Deer and fox sightings have also been recorded and shared online.

Although seeing wild animals is nothing new in Toronto, it looks like the city's wildlife is getting used to humans staying indoors. One coyote was even spotted walking down the middle of a sidewalk.

So tomorrow on to La Mesa...17.7 kms away.

1 comment:

  1. You might try editing the blog title in: Settings> Basic> Blog Title

    But be aware that I am a retired “dumb” Architect, and I just make up stuff.
