Tuesday 9 July 2024

Was not meant to be...

...my plan/hope to complete the 2024 Long Walk is no more…communication yesterday with Paulo included below provides context for the decision. 

To “most" everyone this would be the expected logical outcome but believe me it was anything but obvious to me. I really thought I had a fighting chance…don’t think of myself as a “most” person so I thought somehow it would all work out…

Perhaps blogpost wording may be uncomfortable for some...it is not my intention to elicit that response. Life sometimes takes a turn...it’s reality...my challenge is a known prostate post surgery issue…it’s a real tough challenge I will candidly admit. 

This blogpost finalizes my chronicling the Prostate health issue...answers the open ended “maybe 2024” in my last blogpost and completes what I set out to do months ago…increased visibility for Prostate Cancer awareness.

For me this feels like dejavu…2006 when a heart issue emerged...I then walked my way to health with incredible medical/family support. Now same medical/family support is present except walking my way back to health isn’t the answer…hopefully I can Kegel exercise my way back to health ☺️. 

Long walks...golfing or even curling in the Fall...if they are meant to be then I will gladly participate. Short term losses for long term gain…so very easy to say…have to keep faith. 

FYI...in case you haven’t heard 🀣...I already have my golfing highlight for the year...a hole in one no less ☺️. 

Admittedly I got a little over exuberant in the past 7 days as I started walking like I was “back in the saddle”...this was a dumb approach...certainly causing some unnecessary pain. Now I start over in a more reasonable manner. I can hear “Guy, Guy, Guy” from at least one reader...yes guilty...however I can’t help but think that my over enthusiastic approach has been shared by at least one reader out there...doesn’t make it right though.

I have said this before…and failed to follow through…no more blogposts until I am ready to walk again and have a solid walking plan. PEI Island Walk completion is mentioned as a possibility…if it happens a blogpost will be created…if not same reasoning as outlined below…no blogpost.

Whoever out there who actually really reads these blogposts 🀣…hey thanks! 

Enjoy your summer or winter as the case may be!



Just for fun…a little relief from the messaging in this email…here is a winter scene from New Zealand received from Camino Pelegrina Rachael mama of 8…

And here is a winter scene from Recife Brazil where Paulo lives πŸ˜‚

For “most” Canadians these would both be nirvana however for me it’s nice but nowhere as special as a Canadian winter πŸ₯Ά…an amazing season AND no question a Winnipeg winter is soooo much more enjoyable than a Toronto winter 😊 Deadly serious here!

Anyway…back to the saga πŸ₯²

Initial WhatsApp message to Paulo

My good friend Paulo…sent an email with decision πŸ₯² this morning. I would have preferred to send you a voice message or even had a video chat but you know I am pretty soft and do not have the macho Brazilian approach. Tears 😭 already have fallen and would certainly have done so again.

Take care good friend!


Subsequent email message

2024 Walk πŸ₯²

Hi Paulo,

My good friend, as you are aware, I really wanted to walk in 2024. It was to be our 4th walk and 10 years after our 2014 Camino Frances experience. 

I am a determined person who unfortunately does cross over in stubborn territory. Determined ie willing to do what it takes to get something done is ok in my books however being stubborn in the face of facts or not heeding the concerns of people close to me is not ok. I have stubbornly held on to the 2024 long walk wish.

As my health journey unfolded you accepted a 2024 walk was toast then accepted my usual approach which was to cook up “why not 2024 scenario?” post surgery.

So instead of the original more challenging Italian Via Francigena walk I pivoted to the less challenging Rota Vincentina - Fisherman’s trail in Portugal with an Aug 4th final decision date.

You kindly supported this change even though I believe you had concerns ie “ Guy will you be comfortable walking in diapers or other such protection?”

It’s July 8th and it’s time for me to simply decide a 2024 long walk in Europe does not make sense. Paulo I am very sorry it took me so long to admit this was not a realistic goal.


- While the walking distances seem perfectly achievable for 2024 the incontinence issue resolution is simply unknown. See summary below…

- somehow I can see myself in the 10-15% (hope not!) at 6 months or mid Dec 2024…pre-biopsy someone with my PSA readings had a 25% chance of prostate cancer…well…again in the “odd man out” camp! Then I learned that in New Zealand, United States, UK and Canada Dec 25th is the least likely birthdate ie 365th position…Feb 29th is in 366th position Well I ring the bell again…but that one is fun! 😳☺️

- Personal stress associated with driving towards this goal resulting in added stress on caring family members

- Potential repeat of Camino Portuguese tough Camino experience…hurting a strong friendship created through both great and sometimes challenging walking days

- A need to focus on a gradual recovery process 

Hopefully the 2022 Camino Primitivo was not our final long walk and whether it be 2025 or later we will give it a go again. I will get back in walking shape…that I can assure you.

Paulo it is possible that my short 5/6 day PEI walk could still happen in 2024…risks are quite different than a European walk however this will be a true joint decision between Dawn and I at a later date based on more information.

Take care and many thanks for your understanding 

A Canadian friend


Ps Truly sorry that Brazil πŸ‡§πŸ‡· crashed out of the Copa America soccer ⚽️ championship however on the bright side you can always cheer for Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ the only non South American team left in the semis! ☺️

Response from Paulo 

Class act…a very thoughtful response as I expected from a true friend...amazing how that friendship started and evolved.  “We have not canceled our walk…just deferred it. Wise decision for yourself and your family…it’s Europe and it’s far from home. May or September 2025…let’s go once you are fully recovered”  

So that’s a wrap…and NO I am not starting to replan for 2025 now…it’s way too early…maybe come September 2024…geez this opens up new route possibilities. What about that walk in…πŸ˜‰


  1. Pierre from Belgium10 July 2024 at 13:00

    A wish decision Guy, my warm greetings to you and Paulo.

  2. Thanks Pierre I will pass on your greetings to Paulo. Hope our paths cross in the future…that would be great fun!


  3. Well well well, if you had someone else in mind for saying guy Guy Guy, then there are two of us! And we both know for a fact that I got overenthusiastic with my rehab once I hit the camino. Maybe you should graph your progress in order to hold yourself back. Ask Dawn for what SHE thinks would be eminently sensible maximum weekly distances and then spend the time you are not walking playing with lines and colours. Why didn't you think of that first?
    By the way, if I'd known you were going to exhibit my expert photography I'd have sent you a higher quality picture. Can't help but agree that winter with snow makes a real winter - my two winters in Poland as a newlywed are still my favourites.
    Now off you go and ask Dawn for some numbers so that you don't play the I-did-too-much-now-can't-do-anything-for-a-day game...and make sure you listen to her. She'll have you running in no time.

  4. Yes Rachael...a long time friend has often said “Guy, Guy, Guy” to me...she is so funny! Also received another email from someone I enjoyed working with who reads (I think) the blogposts who also said this. So it’s popular if you were thinking the same thing. Ouch “spend time playing with lines and colours on graphs”...geez what has my life come to? 🀣. Yes I am listening and will take things more reasonably. Actually was not thinking of your situation with recovery with my comment but about another friend who shovelled snow when maybe she should not have post surgery 😰. A suggestion from Greg whom I walked with on the UK Coast to Coast in England...an incredible adventure...he who offered me chocolate at a couple of mini-meltdown situations. Pelvic floor physiotherapy...Yes I am doing Kegel exercises on my own however there are professionals eminently qualified to provide additional support. I am currently looking into this however am taking Dawn’s advice and have contacted my Urologist prior to jumping into this...am I at a recovery point where this is advisable? You see I can be reasonable.☺️. Your winter picture was perfect...who cares if it was the best one...the key is it was the impetus for a diversionary story...the real objective of blogposts...so thank you very much my NZ friend!

