Ok so I have been accused of wishful thinking...a dreamer at times...a few examples...
- Epiphany... Canada Men’s Soccer team will win World Cup 2022 in Qatar...well you did well guys...need more experience against first tier teams...future is bright... Ok Brazil...time for your 6th title...if not then Morocco 1st!!!
- My family will agree to watch and enjoy best Christmas movie ever - 1951 A Christmas Carol with Alastair Sim with me...OK that will never happen so I will settle for watching with someone:
- Elf - simply one of the funniest movies ever (Will Ferrell, Bob Newhart are priceless)...if you don’t laugh watching this you are having a very bad day! Guy Tear Meter - no tears except laughing so hard
- Miracle on 34th Street - Ahhh...An absolute gem! Santa is legally proven to be real...Mom captures the Christmas spirit...everything works out in the end and the little girl get’s her dream family and house! Guy Tear Meter - tears very high probability
- The Holiday - Oh my everything works out in the end beautifully including the old guy getting his award! Guy Tear Meter - tears a certainty
- I will be nominated and win an Oscar award for Best Actor in the Camino Primitivo Foreign Documentary Film Category. Ok would settle for Best Supporting Actor as Paulo will likely win Best Actor for Campiello stunt...refer to Camino Primitivo - Sep 18, 2022 Salas to Campiello blog posting for background on Japanese Camino Film Documentary
But I digress... here is the initial email received Nov 27, 2022 which made this blog absolutely necessary...blogging was not supposed to happen again in 2022 🤣
Hello Mr. Arbez,
How are you ? I'm Yuji, from Japanese television crew we met at the Camino de Santiago.
We are starting to edit the documentary and if it's possible, we would like to receive following pictures of you with your friend, Paulo:
- In 2014, the first time you two met.
- When you two walking the French way in 2014 (el Camino Francés)
- When you two did the Portuguese way in 2018 (el camino portugués).
- Paolo caring your leg (or foot?) in Porto when you got hurt your leg.
- When you two arrived Santiago de Compostela after completing the Portuguese way.
- If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Yuji Shinohara
Upon waking up and reading this email I did a little dance...similar to the dancing Mr. Scrooge did when he wakes up after visits from the Past, Present and Future spirits...except dancing is really not my strong suit...amongst many other skills I do not have 🤣...see hugging picture below with Dr. Olga which has to rate as “worst hug ever”!
So a little digression...again...why not it’s fun for me and there are simply too many must do things in life!... Elodie my youngest granddaughter took it upon herself (she was 4...just turned 5 recently) to teach me two dance moves..."the twist" and “shake your tail”. Both begin from the squat position...so lessons started...note the two dance moves looked exactly the same for me.
“Papi like this”...try, try, try...”Papi not like that...like this”...rinse and repeat on my part...same comments from Elodie... however I sometimes came close but I can’t quite get there. I am thinking/hoping that this may be one of those childhood memories for Elodie down the line 🙂. A few photos of my dancing instructor...she has style...panache in her dress choices 😍
Coming home from school..note running shoe positions!
Normal everyday indoor wear! |
Now Yuji’s email (now on a first name basis!) really brought home that my dream of being in the Japanese Camino Documentary was totally becoming reality! The questions asked were very specific...daughter Jeanne has already commented to me “Pa your interview responses were probably so boring they now feel they need a picture just to distract the audience!”. If other daughters Lise and Claire read this they will probably message Jeanne “Good One!”. Rodney Dangerfield of Dad’s here 😒
First I want to give Paulo credit as he initially got the ball rolling by being a good sport in Campiello and agreeing to stop, agree to walk back X meters and then repeat the walking...this time with Patricia, the other pilgrim and the film crew. Next he was asked if WE (both of us!) wanted to sit down in Campiello for an interview (who knows how many pilgrim walkers were watching us from the sidelines) with the Japanese film director and crew. Paulo not only agreed to do this but he actually let me know. He could easily have pretended I was not around and hogged the glory for himself. A true pilgrim friend!
Since that time I have taken it upon myself to ahem move this project along...5 separate emails Oct 12th, Oct 16th, Oct 21st, Nov 27th x2. If you want something...sometimes you just have to create the opportunity yourself. Clearly a win/win situation...a notable personal connection has been made with the Documentary team...I am well established as someone who has a minor interest in the Japanese documentary AND the film crew needs footage/pictures for their project.
After reading the email...I contemplated the major plans in my agenda for the day...and 5 seconds later started poring over pictures...and replied to the email received as quickly as possible. But I was cool about this.
NOTE: THE video included in my email was completed by Paulo’s daughter in 2018...likely 12 years old or so at the time. If you are squeamish about blisters don’t click on the link...however this type of problem is not rare...happened through bad luck (rain), poor planning (well worn equipment) and COMPEED. Learn, adjust and move on...
Marc, Cyrille - You may also star in the Japanese Documentary if they include a few pictures from the email.
In my email response below I really wanted to include the following bolded italicized words...but thought that might just be too much...have to be approach this in a manner that says “yeah sure use some photos if you want...whatever” ☺️ "If I can be of further assistance, including traveling to Tokyo to assist in the film editing process, please reach out to me…will gladly do so!
My November 27, 2022 email response...
Hi Yuji,
I am doing very well…thank you for asking! What a pleasure to hear from you…I have included a number of photos and a short video below in answer to your questions about past Camino walks with Paulo. Given that I don’t know what may be of interest for your Camino documentary I have added a few additional pictures...
Note the video included pretty well documents the Camino Portuguese blister foot issues requiring a total Camino replan and 4 days rest in Porto. I realize the short video will not be used as is however perhaps there is a video photo clip which helps. Yes some pictures will be a little too intense for some however they do represent a reality associated with long distance Camino walking. Sometimes bad blisters happen…when they do one must stop, treat, rest, heal and hopefully keep walking!
If I can be of further assistance please reach out to me…will gladly do so! Thanks for allowing me to view the three spectacular 2020 Camino Documentaries "1500 kms from Le Puy en Velay to Santiago de Compostela”. They were very meaningful as I walked both routes in 2013/2014.
Wishing you well in your editing process for the current Camino Documentary, a warm peaceful Holiday Season and the very best in New Year 2023.
Buen Camino!
Guy Arbez
In 2014, the first time you two met.
First night in Roncesvalles - front to back counterclockwise Chico - Brazil, Marc (brother) - Canada, Me - Canada, Paulo - Brazil, Daniel - Brazil |
Me, Paulo, Marc |
Me, Paulo |
Walking the Camino Frances in 2014
Hot day...needed sunscreen...fellow pilgrim walkers did not tell me that I applied too much 🤣 |
So very true!
Pulpo in Galicia! |
Success in reaching Santiago de Compostela |
We made it Cyrille (France), Marc, Me, Paulo |
Walking the Camino Portuguese in 2018!
Rained 250 mm in first 3 days!!! |
A canal stretch that I did not negotiate all...and fell in! |
Me after falling in the above canal...turtled...on my back...with backpack totally submerged! Paulo asked “Are you ok Guy?”...”yes”...then he laughed...and so did I! |
Me, Paulo, Allan, Steffan (Denmark) |
Paulo after a long day with food and wine! |
Blister problems which forced a stop after 4 days from Lisbon…train to Porto and 4 days rest and healing
Dr. Olga, a Camino Angel, who performed “surgery” on feet |
Pre - Surgery |
Post surgery recovery food in Porto! |
Walking from Porto required daily dressing care by (Dr.) Paulo with consultation phone calls to Dr. Olga. It’s a good thing Paulo is a lawyer as this allowed him to transition to Dr. care easily 🤣 |
Blister Video (45 seconds)
Santiago de Compostela arrival after completing the Portuguese Way
Paulo & Me - made it hobbling from Porto! |
Final supper in Hospederai San Martin Pinerio - Luis (Paulo’s brother non walker), me Emile (France), Paulo |
I then received the reply below which sealed the deal...Paulo it’s going to happen...we will both be in the Japanese Camino Documentary... I am 100% sure of it.
Paulo, given your lawyer background you likely would have wanted to negotiate royalty rights, rights to use our images in advertising, contracts for this and that etc etc etc. Sorry none of that is going to happen my friend...forget about that Legal stuff and think of the glory of simply being famous! Who cares about future earnings blah, blah, blah... don’t worry all will be fine! I am satisfied to launch my acting career in a low key manner...🤣
Also Paulo can you provide me with your full name...last time I saw it I was stunned as you must have a dozen names...your name, your mother’s maiden name, father’s name, grandfather/grandmother names, great aunt, second first cousin etc. etc. I want to be prepared for the Director’s question about our names for the film credits.
Here is the November 27th, 2022 email received...now I double dare anyone to tell me that I am still dreaming!!!
Holy Smokes 2023 is going to be an exciting year!
Hello Guy,
Wow! Thank you for those fantastic pictures and the video. I will send them to the director, Mimaki san, to choose the best ones for the documentary.
If he has any questions, we will contact you again.
And when it's broadcasted, of course, we will send you links where you can watch the new documentary.
Thank you!
And now I must rest...and wait patiently!!! As if 😂
Wait a minute ... you didn't ask if they wanted to tag along and document our Coast 2 Coast walk!!!
ReplyDeleteBest Christmas Movie - "It's a Wonderful Life"... Tears and laughs a certainty!
No predictions for the World Cup ... Soccer (or Football) requires too much coordination ... Right foot, Left foot, repeat, now that is more my speed! (Oh and for the track ... turn left every so often.)
Well Greg I thought about mentioning Coast 2 Coast walk 😂 however I don’t want to push my luck...one documentary at a time for me! I have only seen “It’s a Wonderful Life” once...all I can remember is a guy wants to jump off a bridge! Ok I have to give this movie a second chance. As far as World Cup predictions given I know nothing about soccer I find it very easy to make random predictions. For long distance walking you have the right idea...Right foot, left foot on and on until you reach your destination for the day. You will do just fine on the C2C however you will have to resist the sprinting otherwise the Tortoise vs Hare fable will come true 🙂