Friday, 27 May 2022


Short posting to test out a new way to post a blog. After the last posting…which was admittedly a little off topic πŸ˜‚…but which produced numerous benefits (reconnected with a couple of people which was fun, gave me an idea for this test) I had to make a decision. 

To simply walk and not blog, find another blogging app, find new blog platform ie FindPenguins or soldier on with the current buggy apps and fix things after walk completion.

Then the universe spoke…I also get an email when a post is made however I did not receive it…or so I thought. At least one other person had received it! Why? It was in my JUNK folder πŸ€£πŸ˜‚. Now that is a clear message and a very funny one at that. 

In the last posting I outlined how to get to the Web version on an iPhone. I tried that again…the view is ridiculously small. I then switched to landscape mode and saw sign in in top right hand corner. Did that and voila if I revert back to portrait it’s as if I am on the laptop! So this test is to see  if this a viable way to blog while walking.

Why blog? Well it keeps me busy as my mind wanders while walking long distances…actually my mind  wanders often at other times as well! Looking for interesting things, events, people, something that strikes me as interesting or funny for my blog. Also….

Three volume published journey

It sure would be nice to publish a 4th volume in the future…you know as a legacy item for future generations πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

So if this works (often the right solution is just staring one in the face) then Blogg , Blogger Plus are toast. Turns out they are not recognized as authorized apps for iOS operating system.

Magic number 112 days to day 1 walking in Oviedo…so much to do…so many responsibilities…so little time 😊

At some point will post about changes required to improve on my less than stellar (pathetic) performance as I hobbled my way on the Camino Portuguese in 2018. 

One thing I will not do is attempt a triple axle jump (ok I tried to stop..had not been on skates for 10-15 years) while ice skating like I did 6 weeks prior to 2018. Fell on my *ss…physio etc required which in retrospect hurt my graceful, smooth gazelle like walking stride.

Another excuse for 2018…but a novel one.

Finally a glimpse at one major change for Camino 2022

HOKA Speedgoat 5

More on this later…but what a cool 😎 name and look how flashy these shoes are! Finally a shoe which reflects my flashy personality πŸ˜³πŸ€”πŸ€£

Γ€ bientΓ΄t 


Saturday, 21 May 2022

Blog challenges, Fascinating Blog info, Somewhat difficult Thank You

​As opposed to other blog postings this one is a real mix🀣…info that should be useful, info that is just for fun, and downright silliness…what’s the point of doing this if I can’t have some fun!

Blog Challenges

Months ago I learned that something called Feedburner (functionality to post blog postings to subscribers and to maintain subscriber database) was to be mothballed (Business terminology) by Blogger.

So I very quickly and carefully panicked and started my research. Soon I found MailChimp software which looked promising. Clearly it targets mail marketing campaigns however I thought it might do the trick.

Moved current subscribers over by importing a CSV file (sounds impressive but it isn’t...a Chimp could do it!) and posted a few blogs.

Now I am learning new stuff...I tend to learn, forget, relearn, forget etc...a vicious cycle! Viewing the Blog posting email sent on your smart phone (used iPhone in my example…phone designers assume the user has some smarts πŸ˜‚) or on a laptop/desktop results in a significant different viewing experience.


Email postings viewed on my iPhone aren’t that great as pictures within the blog do not show up.

If you go to the top of the email posting and click on View this email in your browser you then see:

- Blog pictures

- Subscriber button on top left side. Now considering one receives this blog email as a subscriber why have a subscriber button here? To subscribe your friends? Must be an IT requirement.

- Past Issues button on the top right side. Here you can see past blog postings sent through MailChimp.

If you go the the bottom of the email and click on Read on you get the App version of the email which looks pretty good.

Go to the bottom of the App version of the email and click on View web version and you will see the web version of the posting, past postings and other info. The font is rather small 🀣.

Web Version 

Email postings viewed on a laptop/desktop are much better!

Same as iPhone click on View this email in your browser and you will see:

- Blog pictures, Subscriber and Past Issues PLUS

- Translate button. This is really cool...when I clicked on this and quickly had the entire posting translated in French. Cyrille please note this! Pri you can translate into Bengali!

- RSS clue what this is for...I clicked on it and it says I don't have any feeds so I will wait for a System Architect to help out here.

If you go the the bottom of the email and click on Read on you get the web version of the www.caminolongwalk.blogspot. com posting, past postings and other favourite view.

Phew πŸ˜… 

A current challenge is updating the Blog using an iPhone app only. Apps like Blogg and Blogger Plus are used however these apps are buggy and the resulting look of the blog posting isn't so hot... I editing the draft blog on a laptop to make it look ok. Sooo...while walking...where internet is available...will post blog and then upon my return home will edit as needed (if I can find the time πŸ˜‚). Hopefully I will find a better solution before then...

Fascinating Blog Info

A reader (President of a multinational high powered consulting company) of this blog (at least I think she reads some posts) is a member of the or TCC. To be a member of this illustrious club you must have travelled to 100 countries and territories as defined by TCC.

Her score - 114 comprises 95 countries and 19 territories. My score - 25 comprises 24 countries and 1 territory (Prince Edward Island…kid you not!). Absolutely woeful competition.πŸ₯² 

Considering I have reached the ripe age of 65 my chances are slim to nada of reaching 114! If I visit an average of 2.572 countries per year until I reach my best before date of 100 my score would be 114 as well. Not looking good as I am sure her 114 score will increase!

Things were looking a very bleak until I had an epiphany…MY BLOG and it’s international reach! Now things get very interesting…here are actual stats kept by Blogger. has had 51,057 pages views to date. The country breakdown is as follows:

- United States 14.4k

- Canada 11k

- France 4.67k

- Russia 2.68k (NOT BOTS System Architects!)

- Germany 2.07k

- Japan 1.69k

- UK 1.22k

- China 1.19k

- Brazil 837 (Paulo please get more subscribers)

- Ukraine 641

- Spain 494

- Switzerland 477

- Australia 435

- Netherlands 434

- Czechia 321

- Poland 319

- Sweden 229

- New Zealand 191

- Portugal 186

- Other 7.64k

Now Other is the key!!! Assuming an average of 80 page views for 96 new countries and territories (Actuaries critique as you a uniform decrease of 2 per additional country starting with Portugal at 186 makes this a VERY reasonable assumption) then the readership is projected to be 115 countries and territories!!! 

Voila I feel sooo much better!!! As per the last section of this post Subscriber readership may well explode and the 115 projection will be crushed! 

Somewhat Difficult Thank You

Normally I have no difficulty whatsoever thanking people…it’s the natural thing to do…however for System Architects 😳. 

Wikipedia defines Systems Architecture as:

A system architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behaviour, and more views of a system. An architecture description is a formal description and representation of a system, organized in a way that supports reasoning about the structures and behaviours of the system.

If you know a young person searching for the ideal career please tell them about the System Architect career. High salaries easily in the 6 figures (8 if you count decimal places for cents)...with main skill set requirements -  ability to draw clouds, various other shapes with intersecting lines and arrows...the more the merrier. Must be able to talk constantly and confidently at all times whatever the subject matter. That's it!

Blog Issue

The web version of the blog lost the ability for adding new subscribers when Feedburner disappeared. Disaster!

I scoured Mail Chimp and found under Signup forms Embedded forms "Generate HTML code to embed in your site or blog to collect signatures"

I hit Select and then Copy Code...a whole bunch of lines of gobbledygook appeared.

Next I went to Blogger and found an HTML/JAVA Script gadget and hit Edit. I then pasted what I had copied from Mail Chimp in the available area AND IT WORKED! As John Cleese of Monty Python would say "Bloody Brilliant".

I tested this out by adding an email subscriber and went to Mail Chimp and YES I now had this new Subscriber in the database. 

Incredible...except I had a minor problem as Email required * and * Indicated required were so faint in the Subscription Form that they could barely be seen.

What to do? So I thought why not contact Greg and Cal (NOT their real names) ; System Architects who might be able to help me. A little background on each of these fine gentlemen.

Greg - Worked with Greg over the past 10 years of my career (at the Insurance company that bought another Insurance company and then changed it's name to the bought company πŸ€”) on numerous IT projects.  Greg is a marathon runner who in 2002 ran a 2:41:59 marathon...that's super fast! I always enjoyed working with Greg...he knew stuff and more importantly was not shy about letting you know he knew stuff. Greg could be counted on to voice his opinion on most everything including Business functionality. Sometimes I helped Greg float down from the clouds that he had drawn back to solid terra firma.

Cal - I never worked with he may well be the exception to the System Architect mold. Cal has a PHD in some esoteric subject...Object Oriented or something or other and author of 3 best-selling novels. Long time friends we share something unique...we each have 3 daughters! We have golfed together on numerous occasions...Cal is let's say is more disciplined about golf in that he actually studies how to improve. I kind of wing it based on past experience...result is I have a few spectacular shots however many very erratic ones. However my new golfing buddy Ken agrees with me that my first hole-in-one will happen this summer! Ken has 2 holes-in-one! I witnessed one years ago golfing with a former GWL president!

I was very nice and courteous of course with my request to said System Architects...

"If one or both of you can help me out successfully I will certainly give you credit in my next Blog posting...planning a Camino mid-September assuming “He who shall not be named” does not come out again as a Genghis Khan variant. 


If you cannot help me rest assured that I may comment about the practical knowledge that high priced System Architects actually have.


No pressure!"

Well to my great surprise and delight I received a quick email from Greg...unbelievably Greg acknowledged that he did not know but would ask his wife who teaches computer science.

Next day I received a small addition to the HTML code color:#777 ...I actually went into the code myself...made the change and voila the two problem areas are much darker. Apparently if I go to a hex to rgb calculator WHAT??? I can get different colours. Tried that...too much trouble.

That same day Cal responds with replacing a dozen or so lines of code with different code. I was really impressed as I had no idea Cal knew how to code HTML or whatever this code was.

Now I had a major challenge...cut out code and replace code. Brilliant solution...placed an * just before code to be cut out...highlight offending code...cut it...and paste new code after * and finally remove the *. Dawn and her sister Marian post blog quickly suggested a much easier alternative way I could have approached this however...I did it all by myselfπŸ€£πŸ˜€.

With Cal's changes I was very worried about going live as I had visions of the entire Blog being destroyed with no disaster recovery plan in place however Cal's solution worked perfectly!

I now had two Subscriber boxes and considered leaving both in the hopes that a subscriber would double up however decided one was enough! Currently there are 110 subscribers to the blog...making it one of the most followed blogs ever!πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

So a heartfelt Thank You πŸ™ to both Greg and his wife and Cal....your quick, accurate responses saved the day! 

Next blog and likely one of the last ones prior to actually leaving will be focus on the many changes required for Camino 2022...OIE Portuguese Camino cannot be repeated. Older and least that is what is supposed to have happened πŸ€”

Late breaking news! Cyrille the young whippersnapper Frenchman pilgrim with whom I walked 19 days on the Via Podiensis in France in 2013 and then 9 days on the Camino Frances and Finisterre in 2014 has decided to join me for 5 days on the Camino Salvador in late Sept 2022. 

Cyrille's rationale is that he cannot let "un petit vieux" walk amongst wild chickens afflicted with avian flu (they scare me a bit) alone. He indicates he owes it to my grandchildren Rose, Elodie and Rishi to ensure their Papi returns safely home which then allows them to join him on a future Camino adventure!

Sounds like sound reasoning to me! Look forward to it Cyrille! "Georges grouille toi bien et vient nous vie est courte mon te promets que je ne parlerai pas des chasseurs!"



Wednesday, 11 May 2022

New 2022 Plan and Future 2037 Plan!

I am convinced...well ok hopeful...perhaps silently pleading... that by posting this 4 months before the next adventure begins that it significantly increases the chances it will actually happen! One always has to live in hope!😊

Background History 

In August 2013, after retiring, I set off on my Camino Long Walk from Rorschach Switzerland to Finisterre Spain over 2,600 kms and 5 Camino routes.

The walk did not quite go as planned 😳…17 days in and 1 day from Geneva I had a serious eye problem diagnosed…partially detached retina! Had to fly home on an emergency basis …received great help from family at home…had successful eye surgery. So successful that 6 weeks later I was back at Day 17 stopping point outside Geneva.

Over the next 40 days I walked 2 Camino routes from Geneva to Le Puy en Velay and from there to St Jean Pied de Port. I then happily returned home for my daughters wedding in Jamaica πŸ‡―πŸ‡² 

In spring of 2014 my brother Marc and I set off to complete the Camino Long Walk…spent an unplanned night in Paris as our backpacks did NOT make the flight! On Easter weekend we managed to get standing room tickets on the train…in the space between the rail cars (a little bumpy 🀣) and made our way to St Jean Pied de Port for the ~900 kms walking journey on the Camino Frances to Santiago de Compostela and then to Finistere (considered the end of the earth in 1500’s).

The first day we walked the Napoleon high route over the PyrΓ©nΓ©es to the famed Roncesvalles Albergue where we bunked in a male wing of approximately 30 or so...we had quite the night!

Being introverted I wanted to find a way to meet people more easily so I had the crazy idea of handing out small Canadian plastic lapel pins to pilgrims, shop keepers, random people etc as I was walking. Overall 2000 or so pins (all donated courtesy Members of Parliament) were given…including a few large donations in hostels on the table prior to leaving.

Many great stories here…one of them in the Roncesvalles Albergue at the sink area of the men’s washroom. Next to me was this young (mid 30’s) funny looking fellow so my little schtick kicked in “Hi I’m from Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦…here is a little souvenir lapel pin”. That young whippersnapper was Paulo…a high priced lawyer…married…2 young children from Recife Brazil (shark infested waters off Recife…no joke).

That night Marc and I went to a local restaurant and were waved over to the Brazilian table with Paulo, Daniel and Chico (the three Brazilians had just met)…more lapel pins given. Marc and I were in fine form and really laid it on thick for our southern neighbours as to how brutally cold πŸ₯Ά Winnipeg Canada was…11 months of snow and ice…polar bears roaming the streets, ice skating, cross country skiing and snowmobiles only way to get around etc etc. Not sure what was believed however some of it was 🀣

That night was a horror show as the World Champion Snorer (later we met Guiseppe and his wife from Italy…they got thank you lapel pins!) who essentially kept 30 others awake most of the night. Marc and I were super tired that morning however some of that was our fault as we killed ourselves laughing a good part of the night.

In the morning Paulo…who was on the top bunk over Guiseppe was a total mess as he approached Marc “I don’t want to walk with Brazilians…can I walk with you Canadians?” We said sure and over the next 26 days to Santiago de Compostela we walked together…often with other pilgrims as well.

Giuseppe carrying 2 backpacks on the trail

We then exchanged emails with Paulo (later WhatsApp) and said our goodbyes never expecting to meet again.

Over the next few years kept in touch with Paulo and late 2017 we decided (Marc was unable to join us) to walk the Camino Portuguese from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela a little over 600 kms. An aggressive plan (I had nothing to do with this plan πŸ˜‡) over 3 weeks or close to 30 kms a day. But the route was flat…what could go wrong 😳πŸ˜₯?

Well so many things went wrong it’s laughable! Started early after landing in Lisbon airport and trying to get a local SIM card for my cell phone. Local Canadian carrier had twice confirmed that my iPhone was unlocked…WRONG…so no Internet capability as I walked out of the airport. No Google maps to guide me…and I quickly took a wrong turn and heard “Guy you are going the wrong way!”. Thankfully Paulo was coming to meet me! Phone problem was then resolved long distance with some effort that evening.

Paulo through client work in Lisbon had finagled free separate luxurious rooms at the hotel. Next morning we met downstairs to start our walk…but Paulo looked absolutely terrible! He had been up most of the night…gone to the hospital…kidney stone attack. Was told to drink a lot to help it pass…so he had 5 or 6 beers 🍻! We had a good heart to heart that health was first priority however Paulo though he would be fine so we started to walk!

Over the next 4 days it poured...often a hard driving rain…over 250mm (8 to 9 inches) of rain! Absolutely drenched…and after day 2 I had developed mega blisters on both feet…think slicing an egg lengthwise in 3…one of the outer sections.

Why blisters? Well rain, overconfidence on my part, long distances 100kms in 3+ days, poor equipment (same 3 pairs of socks worn for previous 2,600 kms)…new shoes that were wide width by mistake (did not check the box!) and the ultimate stupidity on my part…slapping on Compeed bandages on fully formed blisters. Paulo did warn me to use trusty needle draining technique but I knew better ...all I did was to trap the blisters intact under the Compeed bandages.

Walked 2 days like this and then finally…first time in my Camino walking…told Paulo I was unable to go on. That was a very very rough moment! He flagged down a bus…I went to the train station and on to that nights accommodation. Paulo walked through the day and when he rejoined me later he had had a rough day as well…I blurted out that I had a plan…he also had a plan…I went first. I would take the train to Porto…rest…get some medical help and once Paulo arrived walk the final 300kms or so to Santiago de Compostela.

Paulo had the same plan except he decided he was going to Porto with me. There I met a Camino Angel…Dr. Olga who worked close to an hour removing the bandages etc etc. When she first saw my feet she said something in Portuguese …probably something like “this man is a complete utter idiot”…I will never know as she was smiling.

Four days off my feet…then Dr Olga gave me a green light however we were under strict orders to walk 20km days…get new socks, frequent bandage changes and a promise to phone Dr. Olga with updates (which Paulo did 3/4 times). How many Drs. do you know would have made this last request? So off we went…overall a pleasant walk in the countryside however I often felt like I was walking over hot coals (never done that) and I simply hobbled and gutted it out over the final 14 days.

When I was finished I simply said  "this was my last Camino". No way could I ever do this again…too painful!

WhatsApp message from Paulo Fall 2019… let’s walk a 2 week Camino in spring 2020. WHAT? Don't you remember what I did in 2018? Do you think I am any brighter now? Couple of minutes deep reflection and Why not…I am older, wiser and what happened in 2018 was just bad luck! 😊

So…we quickly move to planning 2020…Camino Primitivo in May 2020. Then “He who shall not be named” hits everyone/everywhere…in early March 2020 it’s clear this won’t be possible with the world shutting down. We cancel.

So…I hear of a Frenchman who ran a marathon on his apartment's 23 ft balcony and I have a brilliant idea. Why not walk an Alternate Camino Primitivo on the 29 ft deck in the backyard? Over the next 12 days…sometimes in pouring rain…usually starting 5am or so I walk…30,000+ lengths of deck... 310 kms.

2021…nothing possible. 2022…things are opening up quickly and Paulo and I decide we will make a Go/No Go decision May 15, 2022.

I see an Air Canada seat sale late April 2022 and simply fed up waiting decide Go on my own. 4 vaccinations, COVID exposure in Jan 2022…record numbers at the end of April 2022 of people getting their Compostela’s (walk last 100 kms to Santiago de Compostela with two pilgrim stamps each day in your credential). So far in 2022 pilgrim numbers are 5% higher than 2019 when a record 348,000 pilgrims received their Compostela’s.

Paulo agrees and he books as well…

New Plan 2022

Two parts to the plan…

Part one - Paulo has 2 weeks therefore we will walk the Camino Primitivo together. A little write up about this Camino…


The Primitivo is believed to be the first camino route taken by a pilgrim to Santiago. The Spanish King Alfonso II walked from the Kingdom's then capital, Oviedo, in the 9th century after hearing that the remains of St James the Apostle had been discovered in Compostela.

The Route:

El Camino Primitivo takes a direct route from Oviedo to Lugo and then on to Melide, on the Camino Frances to Santiago de Compostela. In total approximately 310 kms usually taking 12-14 days.

It is a hard route through the mountains with a great deal of climbing and descending, but mainly on well-made paths. There are some fantastic views if the weather is kind. The way marking overall is good.

The weather can be harsh, even in summer, damp and cold.  As in all high regions it can change very quickly. You can have many superb days of sunshine with magnificent views, you can also be shrouded in damp mist for the whole day and become wet through and miserable.

Cumulative ascent 9,300 meters with cumulative descent 9,200 over the 310 kms with some days over 1,000 meters for both ascent/descent so will for sure be challenging. In 2019 just under 16,000 pilgrims walked this route.

Preparation for a 12 day walk with planned daily stages and potential accomodation completed. So far have booked a few nights at the start to simplify things and at the end in Santiago de Compostela at Hospederia San Martin Pinero a very special place.The plan is to stick to private rooms…sometimes within an Albergue to minimize COVID exposure and a repeat Giuseppe snoring experience.

I will arrive late morning Sept 15th in Madrid…Paulo early evening…then a flight on Sketchy Airlines to Asturias airport. We then catch a bus either 10 minutes after flight arrives πŸ€”πŸ˜³ or 1 hour after for a 45 minute ride to Oviedo. Then a 20 minute walk to Green Hostel…hoping their instructions for off hour entry work πŸ˜‚…so close to midnight...if this fails find the nearest park bench!

There is an option to take a taxi from Asturias airport for a few extra Euros which may seem pretty appealing when we land!

Next morning the walk begins 😊

Part two - If I feel strong after completing the Camino Primitivo and all is good elsewhere I would like to walk the Camino Salvador from Leon to Oviedo through the mountains. It is described as being spectacular in certain areas.

A little writeup about the Camino Salvador

A route through the Cordillera mountain range linking LeΓ³n to Oviedo.

This is an ancient route to the Catedral del Salvador in Oviedo from the Camino FrancΓ©s. After many holy relics were moved here to protect them from the Moors invading from the south, pilgrims were encouraged to visit the Cathedral of Our Saviour in Oviedo on their way to Santiago - usually continuing along the Camino Primitivo. The Camino San Salvador is a much quieter route than most and a good opportunity to avoid overcrowding in the last stages of the Camino FrancΓ©s. 

The route

The route is some 120 km. long, and starts from LeΓ³n following the east bank of the Rio Benesga. For the first 40 km as far as Buiza, the Camino follows the river valley, and is fairly flat, mainly on paths or very minor roads. There are a number of small towns. The next 25 km cross the Cordillera to Pajares village in Asturias, and has two quite substantial ascents and descents. 

The way marking is generally good. Generally 5-6 days are taken…I plan on 5 days. Cumulative ascent 3,100 meters with cumulative descent 3,600 with some days over 1,000 meters for both ascent/descent so like the Camino Primitivo it will be challenging. 

In past blog entries I have commented on the many Dangerous Animals that I have encountered...cows with/without horns, big dogs, a few snakes, creepy slugs, loose chickens, sheep, horses, hunters after wild boar, goats, many different birds etc etc.

One Camino Forum member commented that on his walk on the Camino Salvador he has heard there are some wild boars, seen big barking dogs and 2 types of snakes. I absolutely hate snakes...who knows what I will do if one bars my path!

Now I know wild boars are not nice and many other Forum members commented they have not seen any wild boars or snakes on this Camino. I posted a reply on the Forum and asked the member in question whether he had seen any bears (Grizzly and Polar were my stated concern) or tigers (any kind). He chose not to reply to me 🀣.

A second Camino Forum member has just commented that he has seen 2 types of snakes as well...I have just commented on the Forum that if a King Cobra snake has been seen that's it...this Camino isn't for me. So far no reply...phew! This reminds me of my preparation for the 5 day Kumano Kodo Japanese pilgrimage walk that I was fortunate to do in 2015. In preparation research the issue of snakes was there...I almost decided not to walk however I did and the experience was incredible...including the Dual Pilgrim certificate received. 

Maybe early October it will be cold...or even snow a bit...that will slow them down for sure and being from problem!

So hopefully this Camino will be possible…may never get the chance to do in the future. I will contact two past Pilgrim friends Georges 2013 (Belgium) and Cyrille 2013/2014 (France) to see if they might be interested. A long shot after this length of time…however you never know!

Future 2037 Plan

A month ago our little grandson Rishi joined the family. When Rishi was about 1 week old the two of us had a heart to heart sit down chat about the future…ok he may have been pressed against my chest πŸ˜‚.

I asked him if he would like to walk a Camino route with his Papi (French name for grandfather) in April 2037 when he turns 15 and a few months after I turn 80.

Rishi excitedly indicated YES…I saw his arms wave and felt a kick to the stomach! Then he actually said “Let’s do it Papi!” Well that was my interpretation of the noise he made…someone else with less imagination might have thought he had gas or even worse was doing something else however I am very sure we have a plan!

Note granddaughters Rose & Elodie may well beat out Rishi for a Camino walk with Papi…all to be seen in the future πŸ˜‚πŸ€£.

One must always have plans!

A few more Blog posts to make in near future…one to provide some incredible stats on the reach of this International blog and to give thanks to 2 System Architects…something which I thought I would NEVER do!

Another will be on preparation and changes to be implemented based on advanced age (still in shock that I have turned 65!) and a few mistakes I may have made 🀣 during the 2018 Camino Portuguese! Geez if I could only remember what those mistakes were!

Hasta pronto mi amigas
