Sunday, 27 September 2015

Thames River Walk (Sep 27, 2015) - Shiilingford to Wallingford

Today was another brilliantly sunny and warm day...absolutely perfect weather for the third straight walking far rain gear has thankfully stayed in the backpacks! This was a very short day of walking at 8 km's over let's say 2 hours or so.

Unfortunately Elaine was unable to join us due to a leg issue...however Claire at the Marsh House B&B was kind enough to drive Elaine to the Little Gables B&B in Wallingford...super nice!

Once again the Little Gables B&B is a winner and everyone and I mean all of us are happy with the accommodation choice.

Today being a very quiet day the blog entry for today will also be shortened as really we just ambled along with nothing scary happening. Well there was one exception however that happened last night...more on that later. The day in pictures...

Pretty neat walking

         Postcard setting                   

          Our ever present friend!                 

Fall harvest time

Really interesting ferns!
Associated with the church was quite a large graveyard...find it quite interesting to walk around these extremely old graveyards...many dating to the 1700 or 1800's.

Church with large graveyard with Gravestones dating back to 1700 and 1800's
We also came upon a WW1 and WW2 memorial and a military graveyard dedicated to the 49 service people who died in Benson. For those who read my blog entries through France on the Camino de Santiago routes you may remember that seeing this really caused me to think and be thankful to those who served and protected us. Today was no different.

Military graveyard

Young Canadian Soldier

Young Canadian Soldier
There were certainly some colourful moments through the day...English gardens and flowers abound!

Dennis was very well behaved today...almost gentlemanly however he did get tired in the afternoon so we helped him out with a big treat!

Dennis needing some help...again!
Some sweets from a local Sweet shop...licorice it's fun to enter these shops and well sample a bit!

Licorice candy from Sweet shop
All along the Thames River you see people, doubles, four or eight person crews...with someone yelling out rowing cadences. 

Crew of eight

An interesting mode of transportation
Ok I must document for future generations what happened last night...I had a very difficult time sleeping. Since the start of this walk I have had a strong sensation of spirits being present...I seem to be the only one in the group with this connection to the spirit world!

Well I could not sleep...the bed felt like a rock...although it was perfectly fine. At some point I must of dozed off however woke up feeling an icy cold grip around my throat and associated deathly breath. I was paralyzed with fear...sweating profusely and hyperventilating...what to I played possum and kept my eyes closed...hoping the spirit would just vanish.

I opened my eyes and saw the following ghost...I hope no one reading this ever experiences what I did! Beyond frightening!

Ghost who visited me!


Well that's it for the day...tomorrow a longer day at 14 km's to Goring.

Oh and I almost forgot...for my little granddaughter Rose..her own cottage!

For Rose!

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