Monday 30 September 2024

PEI Island Walk - September 30, 2024 Day 24 Montague to Gaspereaux

Success! PEI Island walk is complete! 24 walking days,,,705 kms...29.4kms per day....1.04 million steps and 28 shuttle rides! ๐Ÿคฃ. There will never be another walk like it! Right now it’s a little hard to process after coping with the many ups & downs along the way...but it sure feels good! ☺️ 

While the outcome was one of my 9 possible 2024 PEI Island Walk completion plans and possibly the one I silently hoped for ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‰ frankly walking 30, 37, 36 and 20 kms on consecutive days seemed almost out of reach. But somehow it came together.☺️

PEI Island Walk

A warm thank you to Dawn who over the past 4 days woke up early to drive me to various starting points and then drove to various pickup points at days end. Without fail I never had to wait a minute after a long walking day...Dawn was there with the car...often passing me in the very last stretch tapping the horn as she went by. Without your help Dawn I could never have completed this crazy walk...grand merci  & much ๐Ÿฅฐ


Original Plan (Red), 2023/2024 Actual (Blue)

Walking Days: Original Planned 242023/2024 Actual 24

Total Kms Walked:  Original Planned 7032023/2024 Actual 705

Walking time 3h 47m [131h 40m]

Kms per hour Walking: 5.4 kms per hr  [5.4 kms/hr]

Steps: 1,040,573

Shuttle Rides: Original Planned 172023/2024 Actual 28

Elevation Gains/Losses: 101 (92) [2,278:(2,208)]

% Come on get a Wiggle on Days (>40 km): Original Planned 72023/2024 Actual 4

Walked to Gaspereaux....2024 Phase 2 PEI Island Walk is complete!

Gaspereaux (Green Arrow)

An interesting little analysis 

I have walked 164 days on various long walks. The table below summarizes the Top 5 walking days based on 2, 3, 4 consecutive walking days without consideration for Elevation Gains/Losses. The PEI Island Walk shows up in the Top 5 for each measurement...surprised me somewhat! 

Walk to Gaspereaux

Today was an easy 20.2km day...perfect weather again...everything was in sync for walking strongly. My pace early was a little too swift at 5.7km a I had to tone that down a bit and averaged 5.4 kms an hour.

Other than an unfortunate loss virtually at day’s end absolutely nothing to report on today’s walk. Straight up highway 17 from Montague and before I knew it...voila!

Now take a look at the picture below...which I made extra large...this may well be my or anyones BEST selfie ever!!! I am in the picture with my best look and note the sign for Gaspereaux WP #28 is in the background. I am very proud of the composition in the photo ☺️๐Ÿ˜‰!

An impressive selfie with WP #28 on the sign!

The unfortunate incident 3.3 kms from the end is...I lost my left ear AirPod Pro earpiece. I was listening to music...thinking I would like to finish with Vangelis Chariots of Fire a perfect way to end the walk...when the  music stopped. When I pressed play again sound came only from the right ear...then I reached to an empty space on my left ear.

D*mn that must mean the left AirPod is gone was my immediate brilliant deduction ๐Ÿฅฒ. I searched around and then walked back a way without success. Then I tried “Find my Devices” and it said the AirPod was last seen in Montague 13 kms away. The problem being that I walk with AirPlane Mode on most of the time to conserve battery so I can follow GPS tracks to not get lost and then have stats. ๐Ÿค“. Find my Devices needs an internet connection to provide the last accurate known location. Oh well ๐Ÿ˜ฐ.

What happens next? Other than perhaps a blogpost or two I anticipate a long rest for the blog. Paulo had indicated he is a go for mid May 2025 either the Via Francigena Lucca or San Miniato to Rome or the Rota Vincentina in Portugal.

I am really drawn to the Tuscan hills in Italy as a first choice. There are two considerations prior to making a final decision by 2024 year end or into January 2025.

- 2025 has been deemed a Jubilee year by Pope Francis. At some earlier point in life I would have known what a Jubilee year I don’t however it is expected to draw up to 30 million people into Rome over 2025. This has to be considered in terms of ease of finding accommodation etc. Frankly it intrigues me greatly as this would significantly add to the adventure and might well make for some interesting stories.

- my post prostate surgery issue which I alluded to in an earlier blogpost where I included my packing list would be a very significant hurdle to any future long walk. I understand the prognosis for overcoming this is good with continued physical therapy...hopeful is the current feeling.

Somehow I have an overriding gut feeling that what needs to be overcome will happen...perhaps with a creative solution allowing for this walk. However all is TBD

Completing the PEI Island Walk was unfinished business for me. There is one other walk that falls squarely in unfinished business...Camino Portuguese from Lisbon to Porto...~375 kms. Someday I hope I will give it a go. ๐Ÿค”

Tomorrow is a much anticipated rest day... planning to go a seafood restaurant and explore around Johnson Shore Inn. I highly recommend the Johnson Shore Inn for anyone visiting will not be disappointed.

Thanks to all who have read, skimmed or tried to read these PEI Island blogposts. Weird sentence structure, silly stories etc etc must be due to lingering effects from those mid June 2024 surgery drugs ๐Ÿ˜‰. Seriously your comments and good wishes are more welcome than you can ever imagine ๐Ÿ™

Other than a few pictures from the day, an email to Heather at PEI Tourism to notify her of my walk completion for a certificate AND a lollipop, an email to Ron metionned in a earlier blogpost that I followed in his footsteps also completing my Island walk as well, wrap up comments below that's a wrap!

Oh also some critical shopping is ahead in Charlottetown for gifts for the 3 grandchildren!

Last night at the Inn!

Salads were incredible!

Roast chicken, mashed potatoes and superb veggies

Somewhere under there is gingerbread cake!!! ๐Ÿคฃ

An interesting enterprise and sign!

At the entry of Anchors Alley

The “crooked” purple house! ๐Ÿ˜‰

iPhone camera has a mind of its own ๐Ÿคฃ

Dave’s boots at the Inn! Perfect!

Wrapup Comments

When I completed the 2023 20 day portion of the PEI Island Walk I wrote the following in my final blogpost. The thoughts still very much apply therefore I am including a modified version below. If I was to add one thing it would be this...”So very proud to be a Canadian today and having explored a beautiful part of our vast country"

Reflecting on the PEI Island Walk I have asked myself a few questions

Was it worth it?

Yes. An honest answer however this has to be my craziest long walk…I had been thinking about this walk for a few years…was most interested in a Canadian long walk. In the end based on what information I had at hand it essentially followed the script.

I was fortunate to have the chance to give it a go and I will remember it as a positive experience. I hit a rough spot on day 16…and still managed to walk into Charlottetown ๐Ÿ˜Š…that makes me feel good!

Some may ask “geez you must regret eating those oysters?” Well the result wasn’t good but how/why would I regret it? I had a kind offer to spend an evening as a guest of George the accommodations owner. It was one of the highlights on the people side of the entire walk! No regrets for accepting the invitation and eating what was offered to me…an Island style reception was received!

There is no doubt in my mind that I would have completed the challenging walk as planned. Honestly I was surprised how strongly I was walking. However a problem occurred…I dealt with it…and I feel good about the overall experience.

To my way of thinking I am much better off trying something a little challenging than simply wishing and wondering what if I had.

Would I do it again?

No. That is the same answer I would give to any long walk…with the possible exception of the Kumano Kodo in Japan…there are simply so many possible outstanding walks…so little time. Why would I do the same walk twice?

Would I recommend it?

Frankly I don’t like recommending long walks to anyone as there are too many variables involved. Everyone’s goals, preferences, abilities, mindset are so very different. What I am prepared to say is if you choose to walk The Island Walk some key considerations are:

- You must be comfortable walking by yourself for days on end 

- You should not simply rely on signage…it is good however GPS tracking saved me more than once 

- Be prepared for many days where there is nowhere to buy food etc between start and finish

- Attractions ie museum’s, small bars historical churches etc are few and far between 

- Road walking is at least 50% of the walk

- Be prepared for nature bio breaks…biffies at are a premium 

- Walk is way more expensive in comparison to Camino walks…no “ pilgrim” type accommodations

- Seriously consider utilizing the services of a professional such as Bill Kendrick PEI Experience. In my opinion the existing Island Walk website and the Guide are not sufficient planning tools 

- Above all consider the Island Walk only if your prime consideration is the pure enjoyment of simply walking ๐Ÿšถ

What did I like best?

Easy responses…the friendly people of PEI…the outstanding beauty of many areas of the province…opportunity to sample seafood. What amazes me is simply this…PEI is a lot bigger than it appears to be as a tiny island on the map!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฎ‍๐Ÿ’จ

Maybe above all else it spoke to my sense of adventure and trying something new and different!

What did I like least?

Not meeting fellow walkers…mosquitoes on one section of the Confederation Trail…too much road walking on some days…few small towns if any on many days…lack of accommodation choices 

What is future of Island Walk?

An honest assessment is unless significant improvements in accommodation choices are made in the next few years The Island Walk will never really take off.  It is simply too expensive due to the accommodation challenges necessitating shuttles etc.

Having said this the walk is only 4 years old…and let’s see COVID and Hurricane Fiona! Amazing progress in a short period of time. Having a few dozen homes hang an Air B&B shingle for a room or two in key areas would make a significant difference!

Comparison to a Camino Walk!

No comparison possible to a Camino Walk…anyone reading my blog entries who has completed a Camino walk will recognize significant differences immediately. 

Sunday 29 September 2024

PEI Island Walk - September 29, 2024 Day 23 Howe Bay to Montague

Nailed it! A very peaceful day walking 36.1 kms over 7h 9min walking time at an average pace of 5.0 kms per hour. The walking pace was slower than the first 2 days at 5.2 kms...2 main reasons 

- I am simply tired having walked 103 kms in the last 3 days. ☺️  

- Mental confidence and physical ability must be in sync. Today I felt great about walking...thought I had a chance to complete  the long walk to Montague.  However my legs & feet (see below) weren’t happy campers. Much like Day 1 my left calf was cramping up...with massaging, early slow pace it eased up within the first km. 

My legs were simply not driving forward well...they were being very lazy...”I’m tired...I’m sore etc” Well after a bit of a talking to they gradually improved throughout the day.  

The walk had a nice balanced mixture of busy highway, country road , PEI red mud road and Confederation Trail walking. Perfect! However NOTHING happened ๐Ÿ˜ฑ stories, no ๐Ÿ , no ๐Ÿ ,no ๐Ÿ• and no fellow๐Ÿšถ‍♂️. NADA so everyone get’s a blogpost story break ๐Ÿค”...mostly pictures for today! Plus I am pooped!


Original Plan (Red), 2023/2024 Actual (Blue)

Walking Days: Original Planned 242023/2024 Actual 23

Total Kms Walked:  Original Planned 7032023/2024 Actual 685

Shuttle Rides: Original Planned 172023/2024 Actual 26

Elevation Gains/Losses: 155m (157m)

Walking Time: 7h 9m

Kms per hour Walking: 5.0 kms per hour

% Come on get a Wiggle on Days (>40 km): Original Planned 72023/2024 Actual 4

***Important note had to modify Shuttle Rides as yesterdays blogpost incorrectly had Actual 25 when it should have been 24. So VERY sorry if this has caused reader anxiety ๐Ÿ˜‰

Day 3 reached Montague

Montague (Green Arrow)

I received a number of encouraging messages after the Sep 27 blogpost “Pinch me...we are here!” They are always most welcome and appreciated. One in particular deserves special mention. I will not identify who sent me the message as that seems unfair...will only say that C*l a former System Architect, author of several books and a dedicated golfer (however ๐Ÿ˜ฐ he has never had a hole in one ☺️) sent me this:

OMG. You're at it again. Someday there's going to be a "Guy Arbez Extraordinary Determination" award, handed out annually by the Governor General. Of course, I'll recommend it be renamed to the "Guy Arbez Daring and Daft Deeds" award.

Nonetheless, well done, sir."

Made me laugh ๐Ÿคฃ big time!

Last night Dawn and I tried a different restaurant for supper. driving straight to the Fiddling Fisherman Lookout in Souris (pronounced Souree...similar to mouse in French) after the Howe Bay pickup. A beautiful location overlooking the bay with a wide ranging menu.

I wanted  a change and ordered the Maple and Bacon pizza1 Absolutely delicious and even went crazy and had a ginger ale...infrequently have soft drinks anymore but the sugar rush was badly needed.

After dinner we decided to go for a walk along a superb boardwalk in Souris along the bay. I  had walked this boardwalk a few times while recuperating in 2023 from the raw oyster issue. Now for something different...Dawn walked the boardwalk alone for 30 minutes or so...I could not budge myself and stayed in the car!!! 

The foot with the blister was really sore. Somehow when walking you know there is pain somewhere but one sets that aside to reach the day’s endpoint. Once finished the body simply says “Enough you will feel it!

Today’s Walk

Before setting out for the day footcare is essential. Clearly this won’t win any best nursing care awards however it effectively did the job  covering the pesky blister problem! I normally rely on Dr Paulo for this stuff. Why is the tape so wrinkly? Is there really a way to avoid this considering the placement? I am open to any suggestions.

Got off to another early 8:15 start...merci beaucoup Dawn! An absolutely perfect day weather wise...not too hot...some cloud cover and light winds. Some pictures on the first major 24 km leg to Montague.

Great way to start ๐Ÿ˜Š So much better than a busy highway!

Not sure what crop this is? Yellow flowers

Typical PEI Farmland 

Curious llamas...they came right up the fence

Great rest stop...however it came at 10 km so much too early

So many churches in PEI...every denomination

So many cemeteries...many have a very old section dating 150+ years

That’s the life!

Around 1:15 or so I reached Cardigan...I had already committed to walking on to Montague instead of stopping here.

Cardigan WP # 26

Great lunch spot!

Another delicious packed lunch...Greg note the bar ๐Ÿคฃ

And then to my great I had not read up on the walk today...the entire last 12 km section between Cardigan and Montague was on the Confederation Trail. No cars! Felt so very peaceful!

A wasp nest?

The longest walking trail in the World!

Harbour at Montague

Well everyplace has to have some kind of monument!

On to tomorrow and the final 21 kms to Gaspereaux to complete the entire PEI Island Walk. I will candidly admit it’s been a real struggle to get to this sure will be a great feeling to get it done! I may even have a beer to celebrate! 

Saturday 28 September 2024

PEI Island Walk - September 28, 2024 Day 22 Bothwell to Howe Bay

A long day of walking at 37.2 kms over a little over 7 hours. I am pretty tired. A few body parts are complaining...the only issue of concern is a blister on the inside heel of my right foot. Unfortunately its under a callous so nothing to pop yet so will have to just tape it up tomorrow and do the best I can.

From a scenic point of view not the most envigorating day…well honestly mostly boring views and a ton of road walking. From Souris (mid point of the day) to Howe Bay (end point) this type of walking is what I call Point A to B walking...the only reason to do it is to move forward between these two points, No big deal as this happens on all long walks...

Good aspects to the day

- now positioned for a 4 day completion of the Island Walk allowing for an entire R&R day next Tuesday

- 3 very nice people encounters with the last one being the most special

Not so good aspects to the day...other than the comments about scenic views above

- two frightening situations, and

- a less than enjoyable dog encounter ๐Ÿ˜ก


Original Plan (Red), 2023/2024 Actual (Blue)

Walking Days: Original Planned 242023/2024 Actual 22

Total Kms Walked:  Original Planned 7032023/2024 Actual 649

Shuttle Rides: Original Planned 172023/2024 Actual 25

Elevation Gains/Losses: 221m (238m)

Walking Time: 7h 9m

Kms per hour Walking: 5.2 kms 

Howe Bay (Green Arrow)

First back to last evening where we had another splendid meal at Johnson Shore Inn. Hey what  made it even better is meeting a few folks who are walking/cycling the PEI Island Trail. 

Jill from Waterloo Ontario has been cycling for the past 5 days averaging in the area of 60-70 kms a day!!! Holy Moly I can’t imagine cycling that far day after b*tt would be in such pain and I would probably do something stupid and end up in a ditch somewhere. Jill is a high school Science teacher on a sabbatical until year end 2024. After PEI she is off to the West coast of Canada. Poor Jill blanched when she asked about how terrible my rain day was...mine was a dud...her’s was hard driving rain ๐Ÿ˜ฑ.

Jill was sitting by herself and Dawn kindly asked if she wished to join us as we were sitting to a table where Jo and George from Seattle were. Dave from the Inn just pulled out an extension from the Ikea table (they make great stuff...funny we started out many years ago with Ikea and now we are back to Ikea in our Toronto suite ☺️)

Jo and George have been walking the PEI Island Trail for some time...apparently they are skipping a few sections here and there however they have walked a looonnng way as well! A wide ranging conversation about many things took place...some of it centered around Jill’s recent backpacking trip to Iceland which sounded fantastic. No bears, no wild animals of any kind apparently to worry about in Iceland...George was concerned that a volcano could erupt at any time however Jill laughed that off.

Finally George said “well we have talked about most things...what abut politics?” Clearly he was joking and...well...this is a subject one must approach with utmost care especially with folks from the US. So we just laughed this off...

Our dinner...

Another delicious salad

Haddock, delicious corn, broccoli and roasted potatoes ☺️

Homemade bread pudding and ice cream

Again got off to an early start at 8am thanks to Dawn...and just started walking the long winding road

Soon I came to the first frightening point for today…at this point I am about to start on “Snake” Rd!!! Now why pick a name after something that is non existent? Logic tells me one does not do this. So I spent the next 45 minutes or looking for the pythons, cobras, rattlesnakes that undoubtedly lurk in the bushes...trees or the ditches. 

The dog encounter happened just as I was leaving Snake Road. A fellow was throwing a frisbee to his energetic young German Shepard on the lawn bordering on the highway. The dog was really exited...barking up a storm. Been there before so I was keeping a close eye on the dog. Sure enough it sees me and makes a beeline for me onto the highway...maybe 2 -3 meters away barking like crazy.

So I immediately banged my two metal walking poles together yelling at the dog “out”. It retreated and then came back a few times. Meanwhile Mr. conscientious dog owner is doing diddly squat until such time as he yells out “You know if you wouldn’t bang those poles the dog wouldn’t be as excited”. I was absolutely livid hearing this and restrained from letting loose so calmly yelled back “I’ve been here before...I know what I need to do. Get your dog back NOW!” That seemed to strike home and the fellow shut up and yelled for his dog. End of story except it took a little while to calm down. 

Soon after this the best part of the walking day was ahead on a country PEI red dirt peaceful...

Soon thereafter I happened upon the second frightening point of the day...a whole mess of beehives...maybe 5 to 10 meters away. Now this has happened more than once on my PEI Island Walk and after asking a number of questions to local folk I think I have become a quasi bee expert. However I was quite unsettled about these particular beehives...they looked quite old. A few possibilities came to mind as I could not see a single bee flying around.

- they have been abandoned quite some time ago...there are no bee colonies present

- bees were ALL out in the fields (except for the queen bee and guard type bees) collecting pollen to bring back to the hive

- bees were ALL in the hives...waiting for a pre-arranged signal to attack me en mass...a bee swarm to end all bee swarms.

I picked up the pace and soon felt I was in the clear. My bet is on the first possibility empty beehive boxes!

Pleasant people moments

- On the last stretch to Howe Bay a woman ran past me and we acknowledged each other. Minutes later she was at my shoulder on her way back...stopped and walked with me for 5 minutes or so. She was interested in the PEI Island Walk and kindly let me know that I was closing in on my destination for the day Howe Bay. Was a nice people moment.

- Much closer to Howe Bay an elderly man stopped his truck opposite me and asked “Are you walking the Island Walk?” I replied yes and that I was stopping at Howe Bay to which he said “Do you have a ride from there?” When I mentioned that my wife was picking me up he simply wished me a good walk. Soon I found out his name was Wendel

- Minutes after that a blue car (our rental) stopped and Dawn asked if I wanted to put my backpack in the car? ☺️ No thanks I will walk it in...another 500 meters. I get to the end and here is the proof!

I hopped in the car and no sooner notice a spry senior age woman walking purposely towards the car wearing an Island Walk blue sweatshirt. So we met Pat...Wendel is her husband who regularly provides Island Walkers rides. An absolutely delightful chat ensued for I am sure 10-15 minutes. Pat has ~125 kms left to walk the entire PEI Island Walk. She is doing it in various stages and plans on completing it in the month. Pat and Wendel’s summer home was a few hundred meters from the car. A great way to end the walking day ☺️!

Ok 57 kms to go either 37 then 20 or 24 then 33. Right now the thinking is 24 then 33. Have to rest my weary feet a bit and ensure that any complaining from them tomorrow is listened to carefully...

A few other pictures from the day

Quite the mound of red PEI soil

Qutie the striking church

Tried a new photo taking technique used by a blogpost reader...๐Ÿคฃ

Cute very small little ponies

Must be very careful!