I never gave ageing much thought until late 2021 as I was approaching 65. My mind simply could not compute that I was about to turn 65...Old Age Security cheques...Senior discounts all over the place including discounts at overpriced Shoppers Drug Mart on Thursdays 🤣. For years and years I thought 65 was an age when one simply started to fade into being really really really old.
Recently I came across a Podcast by Dr. Sanjay Gupta CNN Chief Medical Correspondent and a posting on the Camino Forum...both focused on ageing which I found most interesting and uplifting.
So as a reminder to my future self...and perhaps of interest for anyone reading this I am including both below...I don’t want to forget that growing older is a good thing...Dr. Sanjay’s mother said not growing older isn’t a great alternative...and represents opportunities!
Back to late 2021 I self assessed as to where I thought I was having reached 65 opposite where I had imagined I would be…
Physically - no question I was much stronger and more active than I had ever thought possible...
Mentally - still as sharp as “ever”...notice “ever” as that does not consider where my personal bar is set ☺️. No comparisons to others here…been there and done that 🥲. Overall felt pretty good…although recently I had a real Senior moment 😱
Toronto recently held a Mayoral election...I chose my candidate and went off to vote. I knew a 100 or so people were running for mayor…no problem I would just vote.
Once receiving the ballot I totally froze...the ballot was on a sheet 9 x 14 with 3 or 4 columns of names. I simply forgot who I was voting for...just knew I had chosen a woman candidate as the best choice. Seriously I must have looked at the ballot for 30 seconds...had no idea what the h*ll to do! Do I just pick any old name and hand in my ballot? Do I hand in an empty ballot and hope the person scanning it doesn’t say out loud “Sir you must fill in a circle beside the name you want...here I will show you how!!!”
Finally being sharp as “ever” I realized the ballots were in alphabetical order by last name and started looking down the first column desperately hoping I would recognize the person I was looking for. Thankfully this worked and after a full minute I stood up and proudly handed in my ballot as if nothing had happened. 🥲. Phew a glimpse of the future maybe 😳
Wisdom - Here I had to admit to myself that I was certainly a few (maybe many) bricks short of where I thought I would be at 65. Wise...geez I am not sure I have said anything that would be considered wise to anyone...hopefully in 15 years or so when I reach the age of my current good friend Ken I will have acquired wisdom as he clearly has.
Maturity - 🤣 I simply find way too many things funny and definitely few, if any people, think what I have said is funny. I don’t hold out much hope here...I am regressing and quite enjoying myself doing so ☺️
So without further comment here are the two ageing reminders that triggered these thoughts…both are special to me...will be revisiting them in the future when ageing doubts creep in.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Podcast
Dr. Gupta interviews his parents...mom 81 and dad 79. Their answers, especially his mother's, are priceless leaving me feeling good about the ageing process and what lies ahead. Personally well worth a listen...however I recognize 38 minutes of your time is a big commitment!
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Ageing Podcast
Camino Forum Posting
A Forum posting really stopped me in my tracks...as it did for many Forum members as the writer received numerous positive comments and 100+ likes.
His determination, resilience in the face of repeated problems will certainly remind you of overcoming obstacles…certainly did for me concerning incidents on multiple long walks. He is now 84 and returning to complete the Camino Norte which totals 835 kms and is considered the toughest Camino overall due to elevation gains and losses.
The most important takeaway lesson for me is that he is willing to change his approach ie have someone transport his backpack items in consideration of what his current capabilities are. That is something that I really need to focus on going forward.
Here is the posting…may be a little lengthy for some…3 short replies are also included to provide a sense of how his words were received.
If at first you don't succeed, try-try again and again, and again....
The third year, I stayed at home and kept wishing that I was in Spain. So on the fourth year of this personal Odyssey I went back to Spain and started on the GR 11 where it crosses the Camino Frances in Burguete (2016) After getting a taste of this route I returned the next summer at the age of 78 back onto the GR 11 (2017)
Unable to keep Spain and the Caminos out of my blood, I began the Camino del Norte in Irun in 2018 but due to a foot problem developed from badly fitting shoes I quit in Deba. I returned to the Norte again in 2019 and walked from Deba to to Bilbao where I took a bus to Santiago to meet some friends who had just completed the Portuguese Camino as they completed the International Appalachian Trail from Georgia in the US to Morocco. 4800 miles over a period of about several years.
Since I was now in Santiago, instead of returning to Bilbao and continuing, I walked instead to Finisterre and then went home.
The following year, 2020, Covid hit and I stayed home again, sorely missing walking in Spain.
However, the next September, 2021 I was back in Bilbao and continued my Camino but only made it to Santander. Old and tired at 82 and still carrying my full pack.
Here we go again. Last September, 2022 I returned again to Santander and this time made it to Gijon where I took a bus to Oveido to spend a few days and visit the wonderful Naranco World Heritage site.
It was a wonderful visit until I came down with a healthy or unhealthy if you will, bout of Covid, which sent me home again after a bit of isolation.
Today as I write this it is June 24th 2023 and I have a ticket from Boston to Santander to begin again in Gijon on August 31st. I am trying again to finish the Camino del Norte at the ripe old age of 84. I will be training all summer at home, and for the very first time letting Correos carry my main pack.. So there you have it. The Camino del Norte on the four year plan. Sincerely, Old Hillwalker"