Friday 11 October 2024

Another little’s a shortish blogpost!

I had no intention of publishing a blogpost so soon however something happened yesterday and I received the following part of a string of messages... from a long time friend whom I will refrain from identifying....C*r*l.

"Guy, Guy, Guy!  Just what you do not need.  I think that you have had your share of medical procedures and suffering for 2024……and into the future!  We are sorry to hear of your accident, but on the positive side, you were able to finish your Island Walk! 😊. ...Take care of yourself and relax a bit.  Perhaps write a blog!

Ok the highlighting (not the message) is my doing...☺️. One should never encourage me like that!

First game of the curling season ...second shot of the game...sliding out of the hack (see a hack picture below)...I planted my sliding left foot improperly and went splat. Directly on my right rib cage side. Hurt but felt sort of ok for the balance of the game... however after an hour or so at home I decided to get things checked out.

Position foot in right or left hack and slide out to deliver curling rock

Four hours later, CT scan confirmed a fracture of the 7th rib on the right side. Unfortunately the timing was doubly terrible as we were leaving today for Thanksgiving weekend in Ottawa to visit a family member, see new friends and stopping in to see long time friends in Kingston on the way there...C*r*l and well I always forget his name 🤔. To boot was looking forward to driving out there comfortably in our new car! 

When I return to curling will be adding this helmet as added protection...I know some will be thinking why bother Guy? 😳

Oh well it’s been a year...

2024 to date

- March tripped early morning walking...fractured rib left side...missed last 6 weeks curling

- June surgery...6 week recovery plus tail end longer term “I” recovery

- October slipped curling 🥌…fractured rib right side...will now miss first 6 weeks curling

Taking a step back to look at the 2024 big picture the plus side...hole in one...great week in PEI including completing the Island Walk...and watching these 3 grandchildren grow, amazing us and keeping us entertained exceeds the negative side!

Special Note: there are no graphs in this shortish blogpost ☺️. That does not mean I am not working on a graph or two...far from it...however the new graphs are not blogpost material. 😉. You see the last time I saw my pelvic floor physiotherapist she asked the usual first question  “Guy how are you doing?”. 

A logical question however without actual data/facts how I am supposed to answer this question...considering the “I” condition? So I blurted out my idea “ok here is what I am thinking I should ok if you laugh” To which she did not laugh replying “you are not the first person to do this...makes perfect sense”. Perhaps I am the second person and she is being kind...some people simply know what to say! scale, compost bags, d*p*nds and graphs are involved. Next physio session I will be prepared and proudly show her my surprise “graphs” and of course my analysis of such.  I expect my approach will immediately be adopted and recommended for all future clients 🤓.

The only person I will send my graphs to...unless a blogpost reader pleads for a copy 🤣 my brother Marc. If you think I analyze stuff a wee bit much I am in kindergarten compared to his PHD level work. Holy smokes...he is an Engineer specializing in Wind analysis and his associated graphs are incredible! However even Marc has never ventured where I have (long walk analyses) and currently going in “I” graphing. 😉😎🧐 We are both setting new World standards in our respective disciplines. ☺️

Next Walk - TBD Brazilian walking friend,..has indicated mid May 2025 for 14-16 walking days works for him. Next touchpoint and potential go/no go decision point is set for end December 2024. 

I had been thinking that my current post operative “I” challenge, if not sufficiently improved, would kibosh this walk. However there are always alternatives. One such a last resort...would be to utilize a bag carry transfer service. If all else is a go from our individual personal perspectives and the bag transfer service is the only solution... then why not? Should this happen I may well be the first person to ever to utilize baggage transfer for this unique reason.😊 Does not faze me in the least! Who cares?

In 68... I will be approaching what some consider to be my senior years and clearly “stuff” has and can happen from so many why wait if the opportunity is there?

Paulo is open to whatever route I feel most drawn to. As circumstances challenged the deferred 2024 walk a number of different routes were considered...ok I drove the creation of many/ok all alternatives. 😳 Seems I have more available time than Paulo considering his young family and thriving law practice.  

The route that keeps calling out to me is the Via Francigena from either Lucca to Rome 16 days or if a shorter time period is required San Miniato to Rome 14 days through the Tuscany hills in Italy.

A different adventure…a challenging route…foreign language neither of us speak…not Spain, France, Portugal, Switzerland, UK, Japan but Italy and the hills of Tuscany!

Lucca to Rome 410 kms more blogposts (hopefully) until a decision is made. Sure I may do the odd deep dive multi dimension planning leading up to the decision ☺️. The way I look at things the planning/dreaming is always totally worth it...even if ultimately a no go decision is reached. 

Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone! Xmas 🎄 is also just around the corner 😊🥰!