Tuesday 30 May 2023

PEI Island Walk - May 30, 2023 Day 14 Shaw’s Hotel (past Cavendish) to Mount Stewart

Daily Information 

Distance:    36.7 Kms   [424.8 Kms]

Walking time:   7h 00m [78h 54m]

Doddling time:   30m  [8h 57m]

% Doddling time:  7.1% [10.2%]

Avg walking speed:   5.2 Kms/hr  [5.4 Kms/hr]

Elevation G/L meters: 50(51)  [1,228:(1,290)]

Total Daily Steps: 50,551 [648,460]

% of Walking Days Complete (24): 58.3%

% of Total Kms (estimate 703): 60.4%

% of Shuttle Rides (estimate 17): 70.6%

% Come on get a Wiggle on Days (>40 km): 57.1% [80.0%]

One significant positive change is the expected number of Come on get a Wiggle on Days >40 km has been reduced from 7 to 5 hence the 80.0% complete rate in red. 

On June 2nd the walk to New Zealand (PEI 🇨🇦) is 23kms then an 8km shuttle to accommodation. June 3rd the walk was to be 46kms. I looked at the map and quickly concluded I would prefer to walk an extra 10km past NewZealand - total 33kms making June 3rd 36kms. Ran that by the accommodation provider who will be providing shuttle service and they readily agreed.

June 5th I can walk 36kms on trail and get a shuttle accommodation 7km off the trail. DONE!

Note: Yesterday’s Day 13 blog posting email indicated a short video…I don’t know why but MailChimp stripped it out when sending daily post. The video is 15 seconds long…of professional quality 😊 and really shows the power of the waves etc. If you go to Day 13 blog email and go to bottom click “read on” you will find it’s there. Turn up the volume to get full impact…I may be submitting it for Best Short Documentary film at next years Oscar’s.

Got off to 5:55 am start today and similar to yesterday very scenic first 10+ kms along the ocean and the rest walking 15 kms along a secondary highway which was surprisingly busy and the last 11km on the Confederation Trail.

Did my dishes before leaving!

All in all a good solid day but the feet are pretty cranky at the moment. Left foot heal blisters gone, toe blister is essentially gone but now simply a tender area.

Right foot got a little jealous of the attention given to the left so a new blister on small toe has appeared…will require some attention.  

So much road walking leads to tired feet…pretty simple.

It was 3C this morning however it is 21C now…shedding layers all day however I made a rookie mistake and wore long pants instead of shorts 🥲. I was too warm overall…should have changed on the trail to shorts as no one is around (except for when bicycle group of 10 women who cycled past me 😂). Legs can be cold to start…it’s the core that must be kept warm!!!

Spotify playlist was again great to start the day with Eye of the tiger by Survivor - nice beat to get moving and When tomorrow comes by Eurythmics - like the lyrics 

Honesty comments followup to May 27th Day 11 blog posting Miscouche to Kensington. 

Andy a potential old codger for future coffee (by then maybe I will be drinking coffee again 🤔) to solve world problems sent me the following reply 😂

« It is called sticky fingers and what will only be thrown out anyways, so might as well take it home!! lol »

Also this morning I left Shaw’s Hotel without paying…seriously! I realized around 7pm last evening just before becoming comatose that I hadn’t paid…office was closed…remember no one was there yesterday when I arrived.

This hotel is essentially closed and I had no idea when someone might show up. Do not worry…I am honest…however I was NOT walking back to pay! I sent an email asking them to phone me to settle up. Hope this all works out because my conscience will not allow me to have stolen a nights accommodation. 

Update: All settled 😊

Small Diversion

A few blogs ago I commented about various soaps etc in room and my bafflement about usage. Ok yesterday I had body soap and shampoo bottles. By MISTAKE I used body soap on my hair and shampoo on my body. How worried should I be over this grievous error?

Ron Update 

Email from Ron this morning…

So, Guy you were right about pacing 

When I pulled into the motel at Summerside yesterday my foot was a bloody mess. I’m taking the bus to C-town tomorrow and going home.
I have the summer to contemplate a return.
Happy trails 


Unfortunate but not surprising…was fun talking to Ron however there is a leçon there for me. If I want to keep doing long walks…or rather shorter long walks… I have to better respect what my body can now do…not what it did 10 years ago.

Some pictures from the first part of the walking day…again a real treat!

Walk on path to the right 

Mountains of PEI 😂

Richards Fish and Chips used to be here - all gone due to Hurricane Fiona

Bike/Walking Trail totally blocked by sand

Interesting comment

A woman cyclist passed me on the ocean walking trail “Good morning - not much to see around here!” WHAT this part of the walk is amazing! A little while later she is stopped with a massive camera taking some pictures. “Have you taken any good pictures?” I am asked.

Dunno about pictures - matter of perspective on whether ocean views, beaches etc are worth seeing 🤔

Unfortunate Incident

Kindness, caring, consideration for others - if you are striving for these whatever your station in life you are a Winner! However in my estimation the opposite is true if you are not!

Walking on Hwy 6…busy busy road…large black dog …call him/her Fluffy…comes charging towards me barking like crazy…woman is hanging clothes just watching Fluffy…I stand my ground…yell…bang trekking poles and dog stops maybe a couple of meters away and retreats…meanwhile I am now standing on highway watching traffic.

Fluffy returns aggressively two more times…the final time I screamed as loudly as I could! I was really pissed off!

Woman simply watches all this…at no time did she call Fluffy back, showed any concern, said sorry or even a trite “Oh Fluffy won’t bite”. Nothing at all…simply turned her back to me and went into the house.

Good thing I did not have a chance to express my feelings to her 😉😱

I am now comfortably setup in Bao Shack (actual name of place 😂). Sunny tomorrow…shorts on…27 kms so not too bad. 4 of the last 10 days > 30 kms so the walk will remain challenging for sure!

Finally a few other pictures from the day…

Hurricane Fiona Damage Everywhere!

Waypoint 18

Field of dandelions - beautiful!

Which way do I go?

Biffy 3 - closed 


So much for no more fries 


  1. Wow, the hurricane damage is impressive. It reminds me of the fire damage we saw.

    1. Elaine I understand that I am only seeing the tiniest fraction of what Hurricane Fiona did however people are so very resilient!

  2. Comment to leave at outhouse, Please leave open. I will not steal any thing., I will only leave an organic gift to help keep P.E.I. green . Enjoy reading your daily post.

    1. Excellent 😂🤣… geez I wish I had thought of what you just said! Well done!
